July 17, 2016

NT 28 Jesus and Nicodemus

Reference: John 3:1-21

Story Summary:
   There was a member of the Pharisees named Nicodemus. He came to meet with Jesus secretly one night. Jesus told him something that sounded very strange: “No one can see God’s kingdom unless they are born again.” Nicodemus knew that a person can only be born once. He knew it was impossible to crawl back inside his mother and be born again. So he asked Jesus to explain what he meant.
   Jesus told Nicodemus that he needed to be born of water and spirit to enter God’s kingdom. This means that we need to have our sins washed away and have our spirits made alive by Jesus if we ever want to enter God’s kingdom.
   The Bible teaches us that we are all born dead in sin. Our bodies are alive, but our spirits are dead. Only God's Holy Spirit can make our spirits alive again. When God makes our spirits alive again, we can believe the good news that Jesus died and rose again for our sins, and enter God's kingdom, where one day we'll live with God forever!
Big Idea and Motions: Because our spirits are dead in sin, to enter God’s kingdom, we must be born again.
Because our spirits - hover your hand in a circular motion above your chest
Are dead in sin - cross your arms over your chest and bow your head
To enter God’s kingdom - swing your arms and march in place
We must be born again - pretend to cradle a baby

Verse / Motions: John 3:3, ESV - Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Truly - fold your arms and nod your head
I say - make your hands talk like a puppet
Born again - pat your belly
Cannot - hold your palms out and shake your head “no”
See - pretend to look through binoculars
Kingdom of God - pretend to put on a crown, then point up

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who was the man who came to talk to Jesus? // Nicodemus
What was Nicodemus? // A Pharisee
At what time of day did Nicodemus come to talk with Jesus? // Night
What are the two parts God gives each person when he makes us? // Body and spirit
Jesus said, "No one can enter God’s kingdom unless"... what? // He is born again
When we’re born, what is wrong with our spirits? // They are dead in sin
Who is the only one who can make our spirits Live again? // God
What did Jesus do so that our spirits can be made alive again? // Died on the cross and rose from the dead
What must we do to be saved from our sins and enter God’s forever kingdom? // Believe in Jesus
What does it mean to be born again? // To have God make our spirits come alive so we can believe in Jesus

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - http://goo.gl/qEKSjv
Resources - http://goo.gl/zBXqes

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