February 22, 2015

OT 39 The Battle of Jericho

Reference: Joshua 6

Story Summary: 
     Joshua was the man God chose to lead the Israelites to conquer the promised land. The first city the Israelites encounter was Jericho, a city surrounded by walls. The gates of the city were shut tight as the people of Jericho were scared. They'd heard how God saved the Israelites from Egypt and the parted the Red Sea
     God told Joshua that he would give the city of Jericho to them. But he had some unusual instructions. Instead of trying to knock the walls over, God told Joshua to have the fighting men, seven priests with trumpets, walk around the walls of Jericho once a day for six days, carrying the ark of the covenant with them. On the seventh day, they were to march around the city seven times. On the seventh time, the priests were to blow their turmpets, the men were to shout, and the walls fell down.
     Joshua and the Israelites obeyed God's strange instructions because they had faith. On the seventh day, after they followed God's instructions, the walls of Jericho fell down and the fighting men conquered the city. But two spies rescued Rahab and her family, just as they had promised.

Big Idea and Motions: Faith is believing God’s Word is true.
Faith - pretend to grasp a rope in front of you with two hands
Believing - same as faith
God’s - point up
Word - pretend to open a Bible
True - form a “T” with your hands

Verse / Motions: Psalm 20:7, ESV - Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.
Trust - pretend to grasp a rope in front of you with two hands
Chariots - pretend to turn a steering wheel
Horses - pretend to ride a horse
We - point to yourself
Name - pretend to write on your palm with your finger
Lord our God - point up as you say each word

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What city did the Israelites need to take over? // Jericho
What surrounded the city of Jericho? // Large walls
What were they supposed to do the first six days? // March around the city of Jericho.
What did the seven priests carry? // Trumpets made from ram’s horns
What else was carried around the walls of Jericho? // The ark of the covenant
How many times did the people march around on the seventh day? // Seven times
What did the priests and the people to do after they marched around seven times? // Blow trumpets, shout
What happened after the priests blew their trumpets and the people shouted? // God knocked down the walls
Who won the battle of Jericho? // God and the Israelites
Why did Joshua follow God’s strange instructions? // Because he had faith
Who should we have faith in? // Jesus, that he died and rose again to save us from sin

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - http://goo.gl/ciU7HZ
Resources - http://goo.gl/6FOCTe

February 8, 2015

OT 38 Crossing the Jordan River

Reference: Joshua 3-4

Story Summary: 
      Joshua and the Israelites were ready to enter the land God promised to give to them. To do that, they needed to cross the Jordan river. At that time of the year, the river's water was flowing fast and over its banks. It would be dangerous to cross it, but Joshua told the people that God would do amazing things among them.
     He told the priests to carry the ark of the covenant and step into the river. As they stepped in, he said God would make the waters stop flowing so the people could walk through. And when the priests stepped into the river carrying the ark, the waters stopped flowing and began to pile up ahead of them. The whole nation of Israel safely crossed the Jordan.
     After they crossed the river, God told Joshua to have 12 men go to where the priests stood in the river and carry out 12 large stones. Joshua took the 12 stones and piled them up where they camped. Joshua said that, whenever their children would ask about the pile of stones, they could tell the children about how God stopped the Jordan river for them to cross. This miracle showed the people that God was with them.

Big Idea and Motions: Remember how God saved you.
Remember - tap your brain
God - point up
Saved - do the baseball “safe” sign
You - point to another person

Verse / Motions: Psalm 77:11, ESV - I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.
I will - point to yourself
Remember (both times) - tap your brain
Deeds - bounce one fist on top of another
Lord - point up
Wonders - hold your palms up and out and wiggle your hands
Old - put a hand above your eyes and look far away (into the past)

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What did the Israelites need to cross? // The Jordan River
Why would it be dangerous to cross? // The waters flowed fast that time of year
What were the priests carrying? // The ark of the covenant
What did Joshua tell the priests to do? // Stand in the Jordan River
What did Joshua say would happen when the priests entered the river? // The would stop flowing
When did the water stop flowing? // Right when the priests entered the river
What did the miracle show the Israelites? // God was with them in the promised land
What did Joshua tell 12 men to do? // Collect 12 stones from the river by the priests
What did Joshua do with the stones? // Made a big pile of them
What would the Israelites tell the children when they asked about the pile? // God stopped the Jordan river

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - http://goo.gl/1zW5HV
Resources - http://goo.gl/rSpouy

February 1, 2015

OT 37 Rahab and the Spies

Reference: Joshua 2

Story Summary: 
     After Moses died, Joshua became the leader of Israel. He sent two spies into the promised land. He wanted them to check out the city of Jericho. While they were there, the spies stayed with a woman named Rahab.
     The king of Jericho got word that spies were in his city. He sent a message with his men to Rahab, telling her to turn the men over. But Rahab hid the spies under some flax on her roof. Then, she tricked the king's men into looking in the wrong place.
     Rahab knew that God was giving Jericho to the Israelites. She had faith in the God of Israel. She asked the spies to spare her family, as she had just saved their lives. They agreed to spare her if she didn't tell anyone about them. The spies told Rahab to hang a red rope from her window. On the day of the battle, anyone inside the room with the red rope hanging from the window would be saved.
     Rahab, whose house was in the city wall, lowered the men outside her window with a rope and told them how to escape Jericho. She then hung the red rope from her window. When the day of the battle came, Rahab's family was saved.

Big Idea and Motions: Have faith in Jesus, you will be saved.
Faith - pretend to grasp a rope in front of you with two hands
Jesus - form a cross with your arms
You - point to another person
Saved - do the baseball “safe” sign

Verse / Motions: Acts 16:31, ESV - And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
They said - make your hand talk like a puppet
Believe - pretend to grasp a rope in front of you with two hands
Lord Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
You - point to another person
Saved - do the baseball “safe” sign
Household - form a roof over your head with your arms

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who was the new leader of the Israelites? // Joshua
Who did he send into the promised land? // Two spies
What city did the spies go to? // Jericho
Who did the spies stayed with? // Rahab
What message did the king of Jericho send Rahab? // Tell us where the spies are
How did Rahab help the spies? // Hid them on her roof, pointed the king’s men in the wrong direction
What did Rahab ask the spies to do? // Save her and her family
The Bible says Rahab helped the spies because she had… ? // Faith
What did the spies say Rahab needed to to? // Not tell anyone, hang a red rope from her window
Like Rahab, to be saved, we need to have faith in… ? // Jesus

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - http://goo.gl/G3BGS1
Resources - http://goo.gl/NN0NSW