January 27, 2013

OT 65 Elisha's Miracles

Reference: 2 Kings 2 and 4

Big Idea: God’s miracles are signs that point us to him.

Verse: Psalm 77:14 - You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples. (ESV)

Motions for the Big Idea:
God’s - point up
Miracles - hold your hands above your head and wiggle them in celebration
Signs - hold your palm facing out, pretend to write on it using the other hand
Point - point with your finger straight ahead
Him - point up

Motions for the Verse:
God - points up
Wonders - wiggle your fingers and look up in awe
Known - tap your head
Might - flex your muscles
Peoples - gesture with your palms skyward to other people in the room

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who was God’s prophet in today’s story? (Elisha.)
What was wrong with the water? (It was bad, make plants and animals sick.)
What did Elisha put into the bad water to make it pure? (Salt.)
There was a woman who owed money to people. What were they going to do with her sons? (Take them away and make them slaves.)
What did Elisha tell this woman to to and borrow? (Jars from her neighbors.)
What amazing thing happened when the woman’s little jar of oil? (It kept filling up jar after jar.)
What miracle happened after a woman’s little boy died? (He came back to life.)
What big miracle shows us that Jesus is God’s Son? (He rose from the dead.)
What is today’s big idea? (God’s miracles are signs that point us to him.)
What is today’s Bible verse? (Psalm 77:14 - You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples. ESV)

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January 20, 2013

OT 64 Elijah is Taken to Heaven

Reference: 2 Kings 2:1-18

Big Idea: God’s Spirit gives us power to obey him.

Verse: 1 Corinthians 3:16 - Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? (ESV)

Motions for the Big Idea:
God’s Spirit - point up
Gives - pretend to hold something and give it to another
Power - flex your muscles
Obey - form the letter “O” with your arms

Motions for the Verse:
Do you not - wag your finger “no”
Know - tap  your brain
You - point to someone else
God’s - point up
Temple - form a roof over your head with your arms
God’s Spirit - same as above
Dwells in you - hit your chest one time for each word

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week

  • Who did God pick to be the next prophet after Elijah? (Elisha.)
  • What was God going to do to Elijah? (Take him to heaven.)
  • Elijah kept telling Elisha to stay behind; what did Elisha say? (I won’t leave you.)
  • What happened when Elijah hit the Jordan River with his coat? (It parted in two and they walked across.)
  • What did Elisha ask Elijah to give him? (A double share of his spirit, to have God’s power with him)
  • What came and took Elijah to heaven? (A chariot of fire.)
  • When Elisha picked up Elijah’s coat and hit the river, what happened? (Same thing as happened for Elijah.)
  • Did God’s Spirit come and give power to Elisha, just like he did for Elisha? (Yes.)
  • What is today’s big idea? (God’s Spirit gives us power to obey him.)
  • What is today’s Bible verse? (1 Corinthians 3:16 - Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? ESV)

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January 13, 2013

OT 63 Elijah vs. the Prophets of Baal

Reference: 1 Kings 18

Big Idea: The Lord is the one and only God.

Verse: Deuteronomy 4:35 - To you it was shown, that you might know that the LORD is God; there is no other besides him. ESV

Motions for the Big Idea:
Lord - point up
One - hold up one finger
Only - form a large “O” with your arms
God - point up

Motions for the Verse:
You - point to someone else
Know - tap your temple
Lord is God - point up on each word (Lord...is...God...)
No other - repeatedly do the baseball “safe!” sign (to indicate “no”)
Besides him - pretend to put your arm around someone “beside” you

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week

  • Why did God make it not rain in Israel? (King Ahab and the people worshipped pretend gods.)
  • Who was God’s prophet in today’s story? (Elijah.)
  • Where did the showdown between Elijah and the prophets of Baal take place? (Mount Carmel.)
  • How would the people of Israel know who was the real God? (The God who sent fire from the sky.)
  • The prophets of Baal prayed to him all day. Did Baal answer? Why or why not? (No, because he’s not real.)
  • What did Elijah have people do to his altar? (Pour four jugs of water over it three times.)
  • What happened after Elijah prayed? (God sent fire from heaven that burned up the entire altar.)
  • What did the people of Israel say after God sent the fire? (The Lord is the one and only God.)
  • What is today’s big idea? (The Lord is the one and only God.)
  • What is today’s Bible verse? (Deuteronomy 4:35 - ...that you might know that the LORD is God; there is no other besides him. ESV)

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January 6, 2013

OT 62 Elijah and the Widow

Reference: 1 Kings 17

Big Idea: The word of the Lord is true.

Verse: Numbers 23:19 - God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. (ESV)

Motions for the Big Idea:
Word - point to your lips
Lord - point up
True - touch your lips with your index finger, then point forward*
*This is the ASL Sign for “true”

Motions for the Verse:
God - point up
Is Not - wag your finger “No”
Man - flex your muscles to look “manly”
Lie - point to your lips
Son of man - pretend to cradle a baby
Change - pretend to grip the top and bottom of a steering wheel, then turn it 180°
Mind - tap your brain

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week

  • Who was the prophet who spoke God’s message in today’s story? (Elijah.)
  • Because evil King Ahab worshipped pretend gods, what did God make happen? (Stopping raining.)
  • What did God make the ravens do? (Bring meat and bread to Elijah.)
  • After the brook dried up, whose house did God send Elijah to? (A widow.)
  • The widow and her son thought they would die. Why? (Because they were running out of food.)
  • What did Elijah tell the widow to do? (Make him some bread first.)
  • What happened to the widow’s flour and oil? (It never ended; it kept filling up)
  • What happened after the widow’s son stopped breathing? (Elijah prayed and God let the boy live)
  • What is today’s big idea? (The word of the Lord is true.)
  • What is today’s Bible verse? (Numbers 23:19 - God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. ESV)

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