November 24, 2013

NT 31 The Triumphal Entry

Reference: Luke 19:28-40

Story Summary:
   Jesus was headed to Jerusalem. He sent his disciples ahead of him to borrow a donkey for him to ride. When its owners wanted to know what they were doing, the disciples said what Jesus told them to say: "the Lord needs it."
   As Jesus rode along, the people gave him a king's welcome. They spread coats on the ground before Jesus, waved palm branches, and shouted, "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!" Many people thought that Jesus had come to defeat their enemies, the soldiers of Rome, and become their new king.
   The Pharisees were there, upset that the crowd was praising Jesus. They told Jesus to tell them to stop, but Jesus would not do so.
   Days later, the people were stopped cheering for Jesus because he wasn't the king they wanted. Instead, they cheered for his death. But that's exactly why Jesus had come: to die on the cross and rise again for sinners.

Big Idea: King Jesus came to save sinners.
King - place a “crown” on your head
Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
Save - make the baseball “safe” sign
Sinners - two thumbs down

Verse and Motions: Deuteronomy 10:17, ESV - For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God...
God of gods - point up three times, once on each word
Lord of lords - pretend to put a crown on your head, then hold your arms up and bow forward
Mighty - flex your muscles
Great - two thumbs up
Awesome - do a celebratory fist pump

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Where was Jesus going? // To Jerusalem
What did Jesus send his disciples to go get? // A donkey
What did Jesus tell his disciples to say to the donkey’s owners? // The Lord needs it
What things did the people do to treat Jesus like a king? // Laid down their coats, waved branches, cheered for him
What did some of the people want Jesus to do? // Be their king, defeat the Romans in battle
What did the Pharisees say about all this? // They wanted Jesus to tell the people to stop
How did the people feel about Jesus after he was arrested, when they realized he wasn’t going to battle the Roman army? // They asked for him to be killed
Why did King Jesus come to earth? // To die and rise again to save us from sin
What is today’s big idea? // King Jesus came to save sinners
What is today’s Bible verse? // Deuteronomy 10:17, ESV - For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God...

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November 17, 2013

NT 30 Jesus and the Children

Reference: Mark 10:13-16

Story Summary:
   People began bringing their little children to Jesus. They wanted Jesus to place his hands on them and pray a prayer of blessing. Jesus' disciples gruffly sent the people away and told them to stop coming.
   Jesus was upset with the disciples for doing this. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me. Don’t keep them away. God’s kingdom belongs to people like them. Anyone who will not receive God’s kingdom like a little child will never enter it."
   We learn two things from what Jesus said. First, God's kingdom (living with God as our king and one day spending forever with him) isn't just for adults; it belongs to kids to. Second, we must become like children to enter God's kingdom. Just like a little child trusts their parents for everything, we need to trust in Jesus completely to be saved from our sins and enter God's kingdom.

Big Idea and Motions: Trust in God like a child trusts their parents.
Trust - pretend to grab a rope with two hands
God - point up
Kid - pretend to rock a baby
Parents - with your palm facing out, touch your thumb to your forehead, then your chin*
* This the ASL sign for “parents.” See a video demo here.

Verse / Motions: Proverbs 3:5, ESV - Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
Trust - pretend to grab a rope with two hands
Lord - point up
All - gesture your arms in a wide circle
Heart - hand over your heart
Do not - shake your head “no”
Lean - cross your arms and pretend to lean against something
Understanding - tap your temple

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What were parents bringing to Jesus? // Their little children
What did they want Jesus to do? // Place his hands on them and bless them
What did the disciples do? // Tell the parents and kids to go away
How did Jesus feel when the disciples sent the kids away? // Angry with them
What did Jesus say about the kids? // God’s kingdom belongs to them, we must become like one to enter God’s kingdom
What does “the kingdom of God” mean? // Living with God as our king forever in a new heaven and earth
What did Jesus mean when he said, “the kingdom of heaven belongs to them?” // God came to rescue all sinners, even kids
What does it mean to “become like a child”? // To trust in God like a little kid trusts their parents
What is today’s big idea? // Trust in God like a child trusts their parents
What is today’s Bible verse? // Proverbs 3:5, ESV - Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

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November 10, 2013

NT 29 Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

Reference: John 9:1-34

Big Idea and Motions: Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.
Believe - pretend to hold a rope with two hands
Jesus - form a cross with your forearm
You - point to another person
Saved - make the baseball “safe” sign

Story Summary
   Jesus met a man who had been blind his whole life. Jesus made some mud, rubbed it into the blind man's eyes, then told him to go wash in a pool. When the man did what Jesus asked, he could see! But by then, Jesus was gone, and the blind man didn't know who it was who healed him.
   The Pharisees asked the man many questions. They were trying to find out if Jesus was a sinner or someone sent by God. They thought Jesus broke God's Sabbath command (don't work on the seventh day) when he made mud with his hands. They even wanted the man to lie about Jesus and say that Jesus was a sinner. But the man told the truth about Jesus. Because of this, the Pharisees kicked the man out of the synagogue!
   Jesus found the man and told him that it was he, Jesus, who had healed him. Jesus asked the man if he believed in him. The blind man said, "Lord, I believe." Then he bowed down and worshipped Jesus.

Verse / Motions: John 8:12, ESV- I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.
I am - point to yourself with two thumbs
Light - look up and squint your eyes
World - trace a large circle in the air
Follows - do a “come here” gesture
Walk - march in place
Darkness - put your hands over your eyes
Life - thrust your hands in the air and jump in celebration

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What problem did the man in today’s story have? How long did he have this problem // He was blind since birth.
What did Jesus do to heal the man’s eyes? // Rub mud on them, then had him wash
What did the crowd think about the blind man who had been healed? // They weren’t sure it was him
Who asked the blind man questions about what happened? // The Pharisees
Why did the Pharisees think Jesus broke the Sabbath rule? // He made mud, which they thought was work
After talking to the man, what did the Pharisees do to the blind man? // Threw him out
When Jesus found the blind man, what did the blind man do? // Worshipped Jesus
What did Jesus ask the blind man? // Do you believe in the Son of Man?
What is today’s big idea? // Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.
What is today’s Bible verse? // John 8:12, ESV- I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

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November 3, 2013

NT 28 Jesus and Nicodemus

Reference: John 3:1-21

Story Summary:
   A Pharisee named Nicodemus came to visit Jesus at night. Jesus told him, “No one can see God’s kingdom unless they are born again.” Nicodemus knew that a person can only be born one time, so he asked Jesus to explain what he meant.
   Jesus told Nicodemus that he needed to be born of water and spirit to enter God’s kingdom. This means that we need to have our sins washed away and have our spirits made alive by Jesus if we ever want to enter God’s kingdom.
   The Bible teaches us that we are all born dead in sin. Our bodies are alive, but our spirits are dead. Only God's Holy Spirit can make our spirits alive again. Then, we can turn from our sins, trust in Jesus, and enter God's kingdom, where one day we'll live with God forever!
Big Idea and Motions: Because our spirits are dead in sin, to enter God’s kingdom, we must be born again.
Because our spirits - hover your hand in a circular motion above your chest
Are dead in sin - cross your arms over your chest and bow your head
To enter God’s kingdom - swing your arms and march in place
We must be born again - pretend to cradle a baby

Verse / Motions: John 3:3, ESV - Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Truly - fold your arms and nod your head
I say - make your hands talk like a puppet
Born again - pat your belly
Cannot - hold your palms out and shake your head “no”
See - pretend to look through binoculars
Kingdom of God - pretend to put on a crown, then point up

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who was the man who came to talk to Jesus? // Nicodemus
At what time of day did Nicodemus come to talk with Jesus? // Night
What are the two parts God gives each person when he makes us? // Body and spirit
Jesus said, "No one can enter God’s kingdom unless"... what? // He is born again
When we’re born, what is wrong with our spirits? // They are dead in sin
Who is the only one who can make our spirits Live again? // God
What did Jesus do so that our spirits can be made alive again? // Died on the cross and rose from the dead
What must we do to be saved from our sins and enter God’s forever kingdom? // Believe in Jesus
What does it mean to be born again? // To have God make our spirits come alive so we can believe in Jesus
What is today’s big idea? // Because our spirits are dead in sin, to enter God’s kingdom we must be born again.
What is today’s Bible verse? // John 3:3, ESV - Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

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