October 26, 2014

OT 30 The Ten Commandments

Reference: Exodus 20

Story Summary: 
     When God met with Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave his law to him. These were the rules God wanted the people from Abraham's family, the Israelites, to follow. The very first rules God gave to Moses were a list of ten commandments, the most important rules for his people to know.
     The first four commandments taught the Israelites how to love God with all of their hearts. They are: Do not put any gods in place of me. Do not make statues of gods. Do not misuse the name of the Lord. Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy.
     The last six commandments taught the Israelites how to love people as they loved themselves. Honor your father and mother. Do not commit murder. Do not commit adultery. Do not steal. Do not bear false witness…  Do not long for anything that belongs to your neighbor.
     The Israelites (and all people) broke these commandments. They needed a savior to save them from the punishment for their sin. The good news is that God sent his Son, Jesus. He obeyed God's commandments, died, and rose again!

Big Idea and Motions: We’ve broken the ten commandments, but Jesus obeyed them perfectly.
We’ve - point to yourself
Broken - pretend to snap a twig in half in front of you
Ten Commandments - hold up ten fingers
Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
Obeyed - form an “O” with your arms above your head
Perfectly - two thumbs up

Verse / Motions: 1 Peter 2:22, ESV - He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth.
He (Jesus) - form a cross with your forearms
No - wag your index finger “no”
Sin - two thumbs down
Deceit - form an X over your mouth with your index fingers
Mouth - open your mouth as wide as you can

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What is commandment 1? // Do not put any gods in place of me.
What is commandment 2? // Do not make statues of gods...
What is commandment 3? // Do not misuse the name of the Lord...
What is commandment 4? // Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy...
What is commandment 5? // Honor your father and mother.
What is commandment 6? // Do not commit murder.
What is commandment 7? // Do not commit adultery.
What is commandment 8? // Do not steal.
What is commandment 9? // Do not bear false witness...
What is commandment 10? //  Do not long for anything that belongs to your neighbor.

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - http://goo.gl/jh4YrQ
Resources - http://goo.gl/tybZs2

October 19, 2014

OT 29 God Gives Moses the Law

Reference: Exodus 19

Story Summary: 
     After God led them through the Red Sea, God led the Israelites to camp by Mount Sinai. There, God told the Israelites that he would meet with Moses on the mountain. God told Moses and the people to obey him completely. If they did, the nation of Israel would be his special treasure.
     God told them to get ready for his coming by washing his clothes. He said that anyone who went on the mountain would die, so he told them to place limits around it to keep the people safe.
     On the morning of God's coming, there was thunder and lightning. A thick cloud covered the mountain. A trumpet blew, the earth shook, and smoke from a fire came as God descended on the mountain. God's voice spoke from the mountain and called Moses up.
     While on Mount Sinai, God gave his law to Moses. These were the rules that God wanted his people to live by. We call the ten most important of these rules the Ten Commandments. God gave them the law so that his people would know the good he wanted them to do, be aware of the bad things they had done, and know that they needed a savior.

Big Idea and Motions: God’s law shows us the good to do, the bad we’ve done, and that we need a savior.
God - point up
Law - pretend to write on your palm
Good to do - two thumbs
Bad we’ve done - two thumbs down
Savior - do the baseball “safe” sign

Verse / Motions: Psalm 119:72, ESV - The law of your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
Law - pretend to write on your palm
Mouth - point to your mouth
Better - two thumbs up
Me - point to yourself with your two thumbs
Thousands - gesture your arms in a wide circle
Gold and silver pieces - pretend to pull coins out of your pocket

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What large place did the Israelites camp by? // Mount Sinai
Who met with the Israelites on Mount Sinai? // God
What did God say he’d do for the Israelites if they obeyed his law? // They’d be his special treasure
What did the people say when God told them to obey his law? // We will obey
What did God want the Israelites to do to their clothes before he came? // Wash them
What would happen to people who went up the mountain when God was there? // They would die
What scary things happened when God came on the mountain? // Trumpets blew, lighting and thunder, thick clouds, fire and smoke
How did the people feel after the clouds, thunder, smoke, and trumpets? // They were afraid
What did God give to Moses when he was on the mountain? // His law
What do we call the most important of God’s commandments? // The ten commandments

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - http://goo.gl/aUzorC
Resources - http://goo.gl/JnXYV1

October 12, 2014

OT 28B Moses Defeats Amalek

Reference: Exodus 17:8-17

Story Summary: 
     After leaving Egypt, the Israelites were attacked by a group of people called the Amalekites. They were led by a man named Amalek.
     Moses told Joshua to find some men who were ready to fight. Moses, along with his brother Aaron and Hur, went to the top of the hill. He brought with him the staff of God, the same staff God used to send the 10 plagues and part the Red Sea.
     During the battle, Moses held up the staff. He wanted God to help them win the battle against the Amalekites. When Moses held the staff up high, the Israelites would begin to win the battle. Whenever his arms lowered, the Amalekites would start to win.
     As the battle wore on, Moses began to tire. Aaron and Hur brought a rock for Moses to sit on. And they helped hold his arms high above his head. And so, with the help of God, Joshua and the Israelites defeated Amalek and the Amalekites.
     God was on the Israelites' side during the battle. And we know God is on our side, too, because he sent his Son, Jesus, to save us from our sins.

Big Idea and Motions: Because Jesus died, we know God’s on our side.
Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
Died - cross your arms across your chest and bow your head
Know - tap your temple
God’s - point up
Our side - point to yourself with both thumbs

Verse / Motions: Romans 8:31, ESV - What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
What then - shrug your shoulders, tilt your head, and hold out your hands
Say - make your hand talk like a puppet
God - point up
For us - point to yourself with both thumbs
Who - place a hand above your eyes and look around
Against us - punch your palm

True or False Questions
The Israelites attacked the Amalekites. // False, it was the other way around
They were called the “Amalekites” because their leader was named “Amalek.” // True
Moses’ staff was special because it was magic. // False, God told him to use it; God was the powerful one
When Moses’ held the staff up high, the Amalekites would win. // False, the Israelites would win
The two men who helped Moses were Aaron and Hur. // True
Joshua helped lead the Amalekite soldiers. // False, he led the Israelites
Aaron and Hur brought a rock for Moses to sit on. // True
Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ legs when he got tired. // False, they held up his arms.
The Israelites won the battle because of God’s help. // True
God is not on our side. // False, God is on our side.
We know God is on our side because he sent Amalek to die for our sins. // False, he sent Jesus

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - http://goo.gl/kZv3L8
Resources - http://goo.gl/S9QQOB

October 5, 2014

OT 28 God Parts the Red Sea

Reference: Exodus 13:17-14:31

Story Summary: 
      After Israelites left Egypt, God told them to camp by the Red Sea. He appeared to them during the day as a pillar of cloud and, at night, a pillar of fire. Whenever the pillars moved, the Israelites would follow.
     When they stopped by sea, God knew that Pharaoh would see think, "They're lost! I'm going after them." Just like God said, Pharaoh sent his army, with 600 chariots, after the Israelites. God wanted to show his glory, to let the Egyptians know that he was the one true God.
     When the Israelites saw Pharaoh's army coming, they thought they were doomed. But God told Moses that he would fight for them.
     That night, God had Moses hold up his staff. As he did, God sent a great wind that split the Red Sea into two, with a wall of water on each side. The Israelites walked down the middle of the Red Sea on dry ground. As they reached the other side, the Egyptians chased them into the middle of the Red Sea.
     God had Moses reach his hand out again. This time, the waters went back down. All of Pharaoh's army was caught as the waters rushed in.

Big Idea and Motions: God is all-powerful.
God - point up
All - gesture in a wide circle
Powerful - flex your muscles

Verse / Motions: Jeremiah 32:27, ESV - Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?
Behold - cup your hands around your mouth
I am - point to yourself with two thumbs
Lord - point up
Flesh - squeeze the skin on your arm or cheek
Anything - wave your arms back and forth
Too hard - pretend to lift a heavy weight above your head
Me - point to yourself with two thumbs

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What was the name of the water that the Israelites walked to? // Red Sea
What did God appear to the Israelites as during the day? // A pillar of clouds
What did God appear to the Israelites as during the night? // A pillar of fire
What did Pharaoh decide to do? // Chase after the Israelites with his army
Why did God have Pharaoh chase after the Israelites? // Show his glory, so they would know he’s God
What did the Israelites do when they saw the Egyptian soldiers? // Complained, thought they would die
What did God tell Moses to do? // Hold out his staff
What happened when Moses held out his staff? // God made the waters part into two.
What did the Israelites do when God parted the water into two? // They walked across on dry land.
What happened when the Egyptians chased after the Israelites? // The waters came back down and swallowed them up.

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - http://goo.gl/VYojrv
Resources - http://goo.gl/qPvGc1