November 8, 2015

OT 57 God’s Covenant With David

Reference: 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 2 Samuel 7, Luke 1

Story Summary: 
     After King Saul died, the people made a covenant with David to be their new king. Later, the prophet Nathan came to David with a message from the Lord. In the message, God reminded David how he had taken David from being a lowly shepherd to be the king of Israel. He reminded David that he had helped him win battles against all of his enemies.
     God made a covenant with David. He promised to give David a famous name and his people a place to live. He promised peace and victory over their enemies. And he told David that his family would be on the throne forever.
     God kept his promise by sending his Son, Jesus. Jesus was born to Mary, who was married to Joseph, one of David’s great-great-great-grandsons. The angel said that Jesus would be king like his grandfather David of long ago. And the Bible tells us that, after Jesus died and rose again, God gave him the name above all other names. At Jesus’ name, everyone who will ever live will bow down before him as king.

Big Idea and Motions: Jesus is king of everyone everywhere forever
Jesus - make a cross with your forearms
King - pretend to put a crown on your head
Everyone - gesture your arms in a wide circle
Everywhere - place a hand above your eyes and look around the room

Verse / Motions: Philippians 2:10, ESV - so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.
Name - pretend to write your name on your palm
Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
Knee - grab your knees
Heaven - point up
Earth - tap the floor
Under the earth - pretend to dig with a shovel

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who was the second king of Israel? // David
What is a covenant? // A super special promise.
Who did God make a covenant with in today’s story? // David.
What big thing did God promise David in his covenant with him? // His family would be kings forever
Did David live forever as king? // No.
Did David’s sons live forever as king? // No.
After the people of Israel sinned and sinned and were attacked, were David’s sons kings anymore? // No
Who was David’s great-great-great-great-great-grandson? // Jesus
Did David’s great-great-great grandson Jesus stay dead after he died, like David did? // No, he rose
How many people will bow down to Jesus as king? // Everyone

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