September 27, 2015

OT 51 David is Anointed King

Reference: 1 Samuel 16

Story Summary: 
     After Saul was anointed as king of Israel, he committed a very serious sin. He made a sacrifice himself, instead of waiting for Samuel the priest. Because of this great sin, Samuel told him that his family would no longer be king over Israel. Instead, God had selected someone else to be king.
     God told Samuel to head to the house of a man named Jesse, in Bethlehem. There, God would show who he had selected to be the next king.
     Jesse brought his oldest son to Samuel. Samuel was sure this was the man God wanted to be king. But God said, “Don’t look at his outward appearance. People look at the outside of a person, but I look at their heart.” Jesse brought all of his sons to Samuel, but none of them were picked by God to be king.
     Samuel asked Jesse if he had another son. He said his youngest was out taking care of the sheep. His name was David. Samuel anointed David's head with oil to show that God had selected him to be king. God said he selected David because he was a man who was after God's own heart.

Big Idea and Motions: People look at the outside, but God looks at our hearts.
People - point to yourself
Look - pretend to look through binoculars
Outside - rub your cheeks with your hands
God - point
Looks - pretend to look through binoculars
Hearts - tap your heart

Verse / Motions: 1 Samuel 16:7, ESV - For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.
Lord - point up
Sees - pretend to look through binoculars
Man - flex your muscles
Looks - pretend to look through binoculars again
Outward appearance - pretend to brush your long hair
Heart - tap your heart

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who was the first king of Israel? // Saul
What was Saul like? // Tall and handsome
What happened when Saul sinned? // God said he wouldn’t be king forever
Whose house did God send Samuel to? // Jesse, in Bethlehem
What was the name of the son God picked to be king? // David
Was David the brother that Samuel thought would be king? // No, he picked the other brothers
Where was David when Samuel was looking at the other brothers? // Looking after sheep
What did Samuel do to anoint David king? // Poured oil on his head
People look at the outside, but what does God look at? // Our hearts
How was David’s heart different than Saul’s heart? // David trusted God to forgive his sins.

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