September 20, 2015

OT 50 Saul Disobeys God

Reference: 1 Samuel 11, 13

Story Summary: 
     Before Saul was crowned king of his people, the Israelites were in trouble. King Nahash surrounded the people of Jabesh Giliad with his soldiers. He told them that he would poke their eyes out. The people of the city said, "Give us seven days. If no one comes to save us, we'll surrender to you."
     The people sent out messengers from the city asking for help. Saul eventually heard about their trouble. God's Spirit came on Saul in power and he was very angry. He sent the messenger back with a new message: "By the hottest time tomorrow, you'll be saved." And Saul left for Jabesh Gilead with three groups of soldiers and defeated Nahash's men. The people of Israel were so happy, they crowned Saul king.
     Later, the Israelites were attacked by the Philistines. The men were beginning to lose heart. Saul wanted to offer a sacrifice to the Lord before going to battle, but Samuel the priest was gone. He said he would return in seven days. But Saul didn't wait for Samuel; he offered the sacrifice himself, just before Samuel arrived. Because of Saul's sin, Samuel told him that God had already selected someone new to be the king of Israel.

Big Idea and Motions: Bad news: you and I have sinned. Good news: Jesus died for our sins.
Bad news - droop your shoulders and look sad
You and I - point to another person, then yourself
Sinned - two thumbs down
Good news - thrust your fists in the air, like celebrating a touchdown
Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
Sins - two thumbs down

Verse / Motions: Romans 5:8, ESV - but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
God - point up
Love - put your hands over your heart
Us - point to yourself with both thumbs
Sinners - two thumbs down
Christ - form a cross with your arms
Died - cross your arms in an “X” over your chest

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What did King Nahash say he was going to do to the Israelites? // Poke out their eyes.
Who led the Israelites to fight King Nahash? // King Saul
Who came upon King Saul in power? // The Holy Spirit
Who won the battle, King Saul and the Israelites or King Nahash? // Saul and the Israelites.
What were the special people who offered sacrifices to God called? // Priests
What was the name of the other group of people the Israelites battled? // The Philistines
What was the name of the priest Saul was waiting for? // Samuel
How long did Saul wait for Samuel? // 7 days
What did Saul do when Samuel didn’t show up on time? // He offered the sacrifice himself
What was God’s punishment for Saul? // He wouldn’t be king forever

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