June 7, 2015

NT 09 Jesus is Tempted

Reference: Luke 4:1-13

Story Summary:
     After Jesus was baptized, God's Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After Jesus fasted for 40 days, the devil arrived to tempt him.
     The devil told Jesus to take some stones and turn them into bread to eat. But Jesus didn't give in. He said, "God's Word tells us that people don't live on bread alone, but on God's Word."
     The devil then showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world. He told Jesus he'd place him in charge of all of them, as long as Jesus would bow down and worship him. But Jesus said, "God's Word tells us to only worship the Lord God." Jesus didn't give into the devil's temptation.
     Then the devil took Jesus to the top of the temple. He told Jesus to jump off of it. The devil even twisted a Bible verse to make it sound like God wanted Jesus to jump off of buildings so angels could catch him. But Jesus ddin't give in. He said, "God's Word tells us to not put God to test."
     After tempting Jesus the devil left him. God then sent angels to take care of Jesus.

Big Idea and Motions: Jesus was tempted, but he never sinned!
Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
Tempted - put a sneaky look on your face and make a “Hey, come over here” gesture with your hands
Never - wag your finger “no”
Sinned - two thumbs down

Verse / Motions: Hebrew 2:18, ESV - For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.
He - form a cross with your forearms (because “he” is Jesus)
Suffered - wring your hands and look like you’re in agony
Tempted - put a sneaky look on your face and make a “come here” gesture with your hands
Help - reach down and pretend to pull someone up from the ground.
Being tempted - same as above

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Where was Jesus in today’s story? // The desert/wilderness.
What did Jesus not do for 40 days? // Eat.
Who came to tempt Jesus? // The devil.
How many times did the devil tempt Jesus? // Three
What did the devil tell Jesus to do to the stones? // Turn them to bread.
The devil said he’d make Jesus king of the world, if he would...? // Bow down and worship the devil
What did the devil tell Jesus to do at the temple? // Jump off the top, see if God would send angels to catch
When Jesus said, “It is written...”, what did that mean? // He was saying something from the Bible.
Did Jesus ever give into any temptation? // No
What are the things we should remember when we’re tempted? // Jesus will help us, God gives a way out, The Devil will run away if we stand up to him, Jesus died to pay for our sins

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - https://goo.gl/2WhupS
Resources - https://goo.gl/C4OatP

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