May 31, 2015

NT 08 The Baptism of Jesus

Reference: Matthew 3:13-17

Story Summary:
     John the Baptist preached in the wilderness. He told the people to repent of their sins and be baptized. One day, Jesus came to John and asked to be baptized.
     John couldn't believe this. "I shouldn't baptize you," he said. "In fact, I need to be baptized by you!" But Jesus told John that it was important for him to be baptized, to fulfill all the righteous and good things God wanted him to do. So, John agreed to baptize Jesus.
     When John brought Jesus out of the water, the heavens opened. The Spirit of God came down from heaven and rested on Jesus' shoulders like a dove. And God the Father spoke from heaven, "This is my Son; I am very pleased with him."
     All of the other people John had baptized were sinners who needed to repent of the times they had disobeyed God. But Jesus never sinned, so he didn't have anything to repent of. But Jesus was baptized because he came to save us. And to save us, he needed to do two things. He needed to obey God perfectly in our place and die to pay the punishment for our sins.

Big Idea and Motions: Jesus came to obey perfectly and die for sinners.
Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
Obey - form an O with your arms above your head
Perfectly - make the A-Okay sign with the thumb and index finger of one hand
Die - cross your forearms in an X over your chest and tip your head forward
Sinners - two thumbs down

Verse / Motions: 1 Timothy 1:15, ESV - ...Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.
Christ Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
Came into - gesture with your arm like you’re waving someone over
Save - make the baseball “safe” sign
Sinners - two thumbs down
I am - point to yourself with two thumbs
Foremost - hold up 1 finger (since “foremost” means “number one”)

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who did Jesus go to in today’s story? // John the Baptist
What did Jesus ask John to do? // Baptize him
What did John say to Jesus when he asked to be baptized? // I can’t baptize you; you should baptize me
What did Jesus say after John said ‘No.”? // It’s the right thing to do; it’s part of God’s holy plan
What did the heavens do when Jesus was baptized? // They opened
What did the Holy Spirit do when Jesus was baptized? // Came down and rested on him like a dove
What did God the Father say when Jesus was baptized? // This is my Son, I love him, I’m pleased with him
Did Jesus need to repent of his sins or be forgiven? Why or why not? // No, because he never sinned
What special word means that God is three persons in one? // Trinity
Who are the three persons who are God? // The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

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