January 27, 2013

OT 65 Elisha's Miracles

Reference: 2 Kings 2 and 4

Big Idea: God’s miracles are signs that point us to him.

Verse: Psalm 77:14 - You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples. (ESV)

Motions for the Big Idea:
God’s - point up
Miracles - hold your hands above your head and wiggle them in celebration
Signs - hold your palm facing out, pretend to write on it using the other hand
Point - point with your finger straight ahead
Him - point up

Motions for the Verse:
God - points up
Wonders - wiggle your fingers and look up in awe
Known - tap your head
Might - flex your muscles
Peoples - gesture with your palms skyward to other people in the room

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who was God’s prophet in today’s story? (Elisha.)
What was wrong with the water? (It was bad, make plants and animals sick.)
What did Elisha put into the bad water to make it pure? (Salt.)
There was a woman who owed money to people. What were they going to do with her sons? (Take them away and make them slaves.)
What did Elisha tell this woman to to and borrow? (Jars from her neighbors.)
What amazing thing happened when the woman’s little jar of oil? (It kept filling up jar after jar.)
What miracle happened after a woman’s little boy died? (He came back to life.)
What big miracle shows us that Jesus is God’s Son? (He rose from the dead.)
What is today’s big idea? (God’s miracles are signs that point us to him.)
What is today’s Bible verse? (Psalm 77:14 - You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples. ESV)

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