November 5, 2017

NT 12 Jesus Turns Water Into Wine

Reference: John 2:1-11

Story Summary:
     Jesus and his disciples attended a wedding in the town of Cana in Galilee. His mother, Mary, was there, as well. But during the celebration, they ran out of wine to drink. Jesus’ mother, Mary, told Jesus that there was no more wine.
     Jesus said, “Why do you bring me into this? My time has not yet come.” He was telling her that it wasn’t the right time for him to show everyone that he was God’s Son.
     Jesus had the party servants fill six jars with water. Then, he had them scoop some out and bring it to the person in charge of the dinner. It had turned into wine! And when the person in charge of the dinner drank it, he said it was the very best wine of all!
     This was Jesus’ very first miracle. And when his disciples saw it, they put their faith in him.

Big Idea and Motions: Jesus’ miracles are signs that show us he’s God.
Jesus’ - form a cross with your forearms
Miracles - hold your hands above your head and wiggle them in celebration
Signs - hold your arm up, palm facing out, pretending it’s a stop sign
Show - pretend to look through binoculars
God - point up

Verse and Motions: John 20:31, ESV - But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God...
Written - pretend to write on one of your palms
You - point to another person
Believe - pretend to grasp a rope with both hands*
Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
Son - pretend to cradle a baby
God - point up
*This is the ASL sign for faith/trust. Follow this link to watch a video:

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Where was Jesus at in today’s story? // A wedding.
Who else was there at the wedding? // Jesus’ disciples, his mother Mary.
What did Mary tell Jesus? // They’ve run out of wine.
What did Jesus have the servants do? // Fill six large stone jars with water.
What happened when the servants scooped the water out of the jars? // It had turned into wine.
What did the person in charge of the dinner say about the wine? // It was the best wine.
Who did the disciples put their faith in after seeing Jesus’ miracle? // Jesus
What do the seven miraculous signs in John show us? // Jesus is God’s Son.

Google Docs Links:
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