September 25, 2017

NT 06 Young Jesus at the Temple

Reference: Luke 2:39-52

Story Summary:
     When Jesus was twelve, he left his hometown of Nazareth with his family. They travelled to the city of Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. When the celebration was over, the family headed back to Nazareth. However, they accidentally left Jesus behind.
     When Mary and Joseph realized their mistake, they headed back right away to Jerusalem. They searched for three days until they found Jesus. He had been at the temple, talking with the teachers there. The answers Jesus gave amazed the people at the temple.
     Mary said to Jesus, "Son, why have you treated us like this?" Jesus replied, "Why were you looking for me? Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?" Jesus was talking about the temple, the special place where God promised to meet with the Israelites. He was reminding his mother Mary that his father was God himself.
     Jesus returned to Nazareth with his family. There, he obeyed his parents. He grew stronger and wiser. And he grew in favor with God and with people.

Big Idea and Motions: Jesus came in human skin to save us from our sins.
Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
Human skin - pinch some skin on your arm or neck
Save - make the baseball “Safe!” sign
Sins - two thumbs down

Verse / Motions: John 1:14, ESV -  And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory
Word - form a cross with your arms
Flesh - squeeze some part of your body
Dwelt - rest your head on your hands like a pillow
Among us - point to yourself with both thumbs
Seen - put your hand above your eyes and look round
Glory - wiggle your hands above your head

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What town did Jesus grow up in? // Nazareth
How old was Jesus in today’s story? // 12
What city did Jesus’ family travel to? // Jerusalem
Who did Mary and Joseph forget on the way back from Jerusalem? // Jesus
What was Jesus doing in Jerusalem by himself? // At the temple, asking questions of the teachers
Did Jesus disobey his parents? // No
How many days did it take Mary and Joseph to find Jesus? // 3
What did the teachers think of Jesus’ answers? // They were amazed
Who was Jesus’ father? // God
Did Jesus have to grow, learn, and obey his parents like a regular kid? // Yes

Google Docs Links:
Lesson -
Resources -

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