June 18, 2017

OT 22 Joseph in Prison

Reference: Genesis 40

Story Summary: 
Pharaoh became angry with his baker and wine taster. He threw them into the prison where Joseph was. While there, God gave them each a special dream. They were both sad because they didn't understand what their dreams meant.
   Joseph told them that only God knows what dreams mean. He asked them to share their dreams with them. God would help him understand what their dreams meant. The wine taster shared his dream, where he saw three bunches of grapes, squeezed them into Pharaoh's cup, and served the cup to Pharaoh. Joseph explained that, in three days, Pharaoh would give the wine taster his job again. Joseph asked the wine taster for a favor. He wanted him to tell Pharaoh that Joseph was in prison even though he'd done nothing wrong.
   The baker shared his dream to Joseph. He'd dreamt there were three baskets on his head, and birds ate food from the baskets. Joseph said this dream meant that, in three days, Pharaoh would punish the baker.
In three days, both dreams came true, like Joseph said they would. But the wine taster forgot his promise to talk to Pharaoh about Joseph.

Big Idea and Motions: Even when things look bad, God still has a good plan.
Even when - shrug your shoulders and hold out your hands
Bad - two thumbs down
God - point up
Good - two thumbs up
Plan - pretend to write on your palm

Verse / Motions: Romans 8:28a, ESV - And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good...
Know - tap your brain
Those - point to other people with both index fingers
Love - hand over your heart
God - point up
All things - point up
Work together - bump one of your fists on top of the other
Good - two thumbs up

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who ended up in prison with Joseph? // Pharaoh’s wine taster and baker
What did the wine taster and baker have in prison? // Special dreams
Why were the wine taster and baker sad? // They couldn’t understand their dreams
Who is the only person who knows what dreams mean? // God
What did the wine taster dream? // He picked from three bunches of grapes and made wine for Pharaoh
What did Joseph say the dream meant? // In three days, the wine taster would get his job back
What did the baker dream? // Three baskets of food on his head, the birds ate from the basket
What did that dream mean? // In three days, Pharaoh would punish the baker
Did these dreams come true like Joseph said? // Yes
What favor did Joseph want from the wine taster? // To tell Pharaoh that he’s in prison, but did nothing wrong
Did the wine taster remember his promise to Joseph? // No

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - http://goo.gl/XGm8dl
Resources - http://goo.gl/h2WXrm

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