January 8, 2017

OT 02 God Creates Man

Reference: Genesis 2

Story Summary:
     God created everything that exists just by speaking. But when he made human beings, he did something special.
     He took the dust of the ground and formed it into the shape of a man. Then he breathed the breath of life onto the dust-man and he became a living being. His name was Adam.
     God took Adam and placed him in the beautiful Garden of Eden. He could eat the fruit of it’s trees. His job was to care for the garden.
     God said that it was not good for Adam to be alone. He brought all the animals to Adam, to see if one of them would be a helper fit for him. When they came, Adam named them all. But not one was fit to be Adam’s helper.
     So God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep. God took one of Adam’s ribs and closed up his side. He formed the rib into a woman and brought her to Adam. Adam was excited to have a helper made especially for him. He later gave her the name “Eve.”

Big Idea and Motions: God created human beings in his likeness.
God - point up
Created - pretend to mold playdough with your hands
Human beings - point to yourself with two thumbs
Likeness - point up with one hand and point to yourself with the other.

Verse / Motions: Genesis 1:27, ESV - So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
God - point up
Created - pretend to mold playdough with your hands
Man - flex your muscles
Image - pretend to do a painting with a brush
Male - point to a boy in the room
Female - point to a girl in the room

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What was the name of the man God made? // Adam
How did God make Adam? // Formed him from the dust of the ground
How did God bring Adam to life? // Breathed on him
Where did God place Adam? What was his job? // In the Garden of Eden; he took care of the garden
What did God say was “not good?” // Adam was alone.
What did God bring to Adam so he could find a helper? // All the animals
What did Adam do with all the animals? // Give them names
What was the name of the woman God made? // Eve
What did God use to create Eve? // One of Adam’s ribs
What is the big difference between animals and people? // People are made in God’s image

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - http://goo.gl/ELSFy6
Resources - http://goo.gl/qdoRZ3

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