August 14, 2016

NT 31 The Triumphal Entry

Reference: Luke 19:28-40

Story Summary:
   Jesus was headed to Jerusalem. He sent his disciples ahead of him to borrow a donkey for him to ride. When its owners wanted to know what they were doing, the disciples said what Jesus told them to say: "the Lord needs it."
   As Jesus rode along, the people gave him a king's welcome. They spread coats on the ground before Jesus, waved palm branches, and shouted, "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!" Many people thought that Jesus had come to defeat their enemies, the soldiers of Rome, and become their new king.
   The Pharisees were there, upset that the crowd was praising Jesus. They told Jesus to tell them to stop, but Jesus would not do so.
   Days later, the people were stopped cheering for Jesus because he wasn't the king they wanted. Instead, they cheered for his death. But that's exactly why Jesus had come: to die on the cross and rise again for sinners.

Big Idea: King Jesus came to save sinners.
King - place a “crown” on your head
Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
Save - make the baseball “safe” sign
Sinners - two thumbs down

Verse and Motions: Deuteronomy 10:17, ESV - For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God...
God of gods - point up three times, once on each word
Lord of lords - pretend to put a crown on your head, then hold your arms up and bow forward
Great - two thumbs up
Mighty - flex your muscles
Awesome - do a celebratory fist pump

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Where was Jesus going? // To Jerusalem
What did Jesus send his disciples to go get? // A donkey
What did Jesus tell his disciples to say to the donkey’s owners? // The Lord needs it
What things did the people do to treat Jesus like a king? // Laid down their coats, waved branches, cheered for him
What did some of the people want Jesus to do? // Be their king, defeat the Romans in battle
What did the Pharisees say about all this? // They wanted Jesus to tell the people to stop
How did the people feel about Jesus after he was arrested, when they realized he wasn’t going to battle the Roman army? // They asked for him to be killed
Why did King Jesus come to earth? // To die and rise again to save us from sin
What is today’s big idea? // King Jesus came to save sinners
What is today’s Bible verse? // Deuteronomy 10:17, ESV - For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God...

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