May 29, 2016

NT 22A The Good Samaritan

Reference: Luke 10:25-37

Story Summary:
   An authority on the law, a Bible expert, asked Jesus a question, "What must I do to receive eternal life?" Jesus asked him what God's Law said. The authority said, "To love God with all my heart and to love my neighbor as myself."
   Jesus said, "If you do this, you will live." But the authority wanted to make himself look good, so he asked, "Who is my neighbor."
   To answer the question, Jesus told a story. A traveller was beaten by robbers and left all alone. Two men, a priest and a Levite, passed by him without helping. But a third man, a Samaritan, stopped and did all he can to help the man.
   After the story, Jesus asked, "Who was a neighbor to the traveller." The authority said, "The one who helped him." Jesus replied, "Go and do as he did."
   With his story, Jesus taught us that everyone is our neighbor. When God tells us to love our neighbors, he is telling is to love everyone we meet.

Big Idea and Motions: Be a good neighbor to everyone.
Be - put one hand on your hip; wag the index finger of your other hand
Good - two thumbs up
Neighbor - pretend to put your arm around someone next to you
Everyone - gesture your arms in a wide circle

Verse / Motions: Matthew 7:12, ESV - So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them...
Whatever - gesture your arms in a wide circle
Wish - press your palms together and close your eyes
Others - gesture your arms out in front of you
Do to you - point to yourself with two thumbs
Do also - twirl your finger in circles
Them - point to others with both index fingers

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who asked Jesus a question in today’s story? // An Authority on the Law (a Bible Expert)
How did Jesus say the man could get eternal life? // Obey the two great commandments
What was the Authority on the Law’s second question? // Who is my neighbor?
How did Jesus answer the man’s second question? // He told a story
What happened to the traveller in Jesus’ story? // Robbers beat him up
Who did people think would probably be the good guys in Jesus’ story? // The priest and Levite
Who did people think would probably be the bad guy in Jesus’ story? // The Samaritan
Who didn’t help the man in Jesus’ story? // The Levite and the Priest
Who was a good neighbor in Jesus’ story? // The good Samaritan
How was Jesus a good neighbor to us? // He died for our sins and rose from the dead

Google Docs Links:
Lesson -
Resources -

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