January 24, 2016

OT 64 Elijah is Taken to Heaven

Reference: 2 Kings 2:1-18

Story Summary: 
     God told his prophet Elijah that he was soon going to take him to heaven. Before he did, God sent Elijah to Bethel. Elijah told Elisha to stay behind, but Elisha wouldn’t leave his side. When they arrived, the prophets there were talking about Elijah going to heaven.
     Elijah left for two more places, Jericho and the Jordan River. Both times, he told Elisha to stay, but Elisha wouldn’t leave. When they came to the Jordan River, Elijah struck it with his coat. It parted in two, and they crossed on dry land.
     Elijah asked Elisha if there was anything he could do before he left. Elisha asked for a double share of Elijah’s spirit, God’s power that worked in Elijah. Elijah said that, if he saw Elijah taken away, God would give him what he asked.
     Suddenly, a chariot of fire came between them. In a great wind, it took Elijah to heaven. Elisha picked up Elijah’s old coat. He struck the Jordan River, and it parted in two, just like Elijah had done.

Big Idea and Motions: God’s Spirit gives us power to obey him.
God’s Spirit - point up
Gives - pretend to hold something and give it to another
Power - flex your muscles
Obey - form the letter “O” with your arms

Verse / Motions: 1 Corinthians 3:16, ESV - Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?
Do you not - wag your finger “no”
Know - tap  your brain
God’s - point up
Temple - form a roof over your head with your arms
God’s Spirit - same as above
Dwells in you - hit your chest one time for each word

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who did God pick to be the next prophet after Elijah? // Elisha
Who was older, Elijah or Elisha? // Elijah
What was God going to do to Elijah? // Take him to heaven
Elijah kept telling Elisha to stay behind; what did Elisha say? // I won’t leave you
When the other prophets said that Elijah was leaving, what did Elisha say? // Be quiet
What happened when Elijah hit the Jordan River with his coat? // It parted in two and they walked across
What did Elisha ask Elijah to give him? // A double share of his spirit, to have God’s power with him
What came and took Elijah to heaven? // A chariot of fire
When Elisha picked up Elijah’s coat and hit the river, what happened? // The waters parted
Did God’s Spirit come and give power to Elisha, just like he did for Elijah? // Yes.

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - https://goo.gl/76mUQt
Resources - https://goo.gl/DwWDTU

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