January 10, 2016

OT 62 Elijah and the Widow

Reference: 1 Kings 17

Story Summary: 
     Because Ahab, king of Israel, was so evil, God sent the prophet Elijah to him with the message that it would not rain for years. After this, God told Elijah to head to a valley. While he was there, God made sure there was a brook with water for Elijah to drink. He also ordered ravens to bring food to Elijah day and night.
     When the water in the brook dried up, God sent Elijah to a widow to take care of him. Because there was no rain, the widow was preparing to make one last meal of bread for her and her son before they died. But Elijah told her to give him some bread to eat and water to drink. She did as Elijah asked and God miraculously made the widow’s jars of flour and oil never run out. While Elijah was there, they always had food to eat because of this.
     Later, the widow’s son got sick and died. But Elijah cried out to the Lord to save him. God brought the child back to life. When she saw this miracle, the woman told Elijah, “Now I know your message from God is true.”

Big Idea and Motions: The word of the Lord is true.
Word - point to your lips
Lord - point up
True - touch your lips with your index finger, then point forward*
* This is the ASL Sign for “true”

Verse / Motions: Numbers 23:19, ESV - God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind.
God - point up
Is Not - wag your finger “No”
Man - flex your muscles to look “manly”
Lie - point to your lips
Son of man - pretend to cradle a baby
Change his mind - try to turn your head around using your hands

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who was the prophet who spoke God’s message in today’s story? // Elijah.
Who was the evil king of Israel? // Ahab
Because evil King Ahab worshipped pretend gods, what did God make happen? // Stopping raining.
What did God make the ravens do? // Bring meat and bread to Elijah.
After the brook dried up, whose house did God send Elijah to? // A widow.
The widow and her son thought they would die. Why? // Because they were running out of food.
What did Elijah tell the widow to do? // Make him some bread first.
What happened to the widow’s flour and oil? // It never ended; it kept filling up
What happened after the widow’s son stopped breathing? // Elijah prayed and God let the boy live
Does God ever lie or change his mind? // No

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - https://goo.gl/F3kAmb
Resources - https://goo.gl/BmTcrI

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