July 5, 2015

NT 13 Jesus Calms the Storm

Reference: Luke 8:22-25

Story Summary:
     One day, Jesus told his disciples to get in a boat and go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. As they traveled across the sea, Jesus slept in the boat.
     Suddenly, a storm arose on the the sea. The wind caused great waves that tossed the boat back in forth. They were in great danger and the disciples were worried that they were going to drown. They woke up Jesus and said, “Master! Master! We’re going to drown!”
     Jesus got up and spoke to the waves. “Peace! Be still!” he said. Immediately, the storm stopped. Even the waves were calm. “Where is your faith?” Jesus asked his disciples. When they saw what Jesus did, the disciples were afraid. “Who is this?” they said, “He commands even the wind and waves and they obey him!”

Big Idea and Motions: Jesus is the God-man: totally God and totally human.
Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
God - point up
Man - flex your muscles
God - point up
Human - pinch the skin of your arm

Verse / Motions: Luke 8:25, ESV - Who then is this, that he commands even winds and water, and they obey him?
Who then - hold out your arms and shrug your shoulders
Commands - put a hand on your hip, then wag the index finger of your other hand
Winds - cup your hands around your mouth and blow
Water - make your arm wiggle like a wave
Obey - form an “O” above your head with your arms

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What did Jesus tell his disciples to do? // Sail across the water.
What was the name of the water called? // The Sea of Galilee.
What did Jesus do as they sailed on the water? // Slept in the boat.
What happened to the Sea of Galilee as they sailed? // A wild storm came.
What was the boat about to do in the storm? // Sink from the waves/storm.
When the disciples were scared, what did they do? // Woke up Jesus.
What did Jesus say to the storm? // Quiet! Be still!
When Jesus spoke to the storm, what did it do? // It was completely calm immediately.
What did the disciples say when Jesus calmed the storm? // Who is this that the wind and waves obey him?
What did Jesus do that showed he was a human like us? // Slept and ate
What did Jesus do in the story that showed he was God? // Made the storm listen to him

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - https://goo.gl/Jd8RMj
Resources - https://goo.gl/LG81zn

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