June 8, 2014

OT 16 Jacob Steals Esau's Blessing

Reference: Genesis 27

Story Summary: 
   Isaac, who was very old and blind, wanted to pray a prayer of blessing over his son, Esau. But first, he wanted his son to hunt some wild meat and prepare a meal for him to eat. So Esau set out.
   Rebekah overheard this and went to Jacob. She told Jacob to pretend to be Esau and get Isaac to bless him instead. They cooked food the way Isaac liked it, dressed Jacob in Esau’s clothes, and even coated Jacob in goat fur so he’d be hairy like Esau.
   When Jacob came, Isaac was suspicious. But Jacob kept lying and lying, saying that he was Esau. Eventually, he convinced Isaac of his lies and Isaac blessed him.
   Soon after Jacob left, Esau arrived with his wild meat, prepared for his father. Quickly, Isaac and Esau realized they’d been tricked by Jacob. Esau as furious and wanted to kill Jacob. Rebekah heard of this and told Jacob to run away to her brother, Laban.

Big Idea and Motions: Tell the truth like God.
Tell - make your hand talk like a puppet
Truth - tap your lips with your index finger, then point away*
God - point up
* This is the ASL sign for “true”

Verse / Motions: Ephesians 4:25, ESV - Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor...
Put away - pretend to toss something over your shoulder
Falsehood - cross your index fingers in an X over your lips
Each one of you - point to different people as you say each of these words
Speak - make your hand talk like a puppet
Truth - tap your lips with your index finger, then point away*
With his neighbor - put your arm around someone else
* This is the ASL sign for “true”

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What did Isaac want to do for his son, Esau? // Pray a prayer of blessing to God for him
What did Isaac want Esau to do first? //Hunt for meat and cook it for him
When Rebekah heard this, what did she do? // Get Jacob and make a plan to trick Isaac
What was Rebekah’s plan? // Have Jacob pretend to be Esau and steal the blessing
What did they do to make Jacob smell and feel like Esau? // Wore his clothes and goat skins
Why couldn’t Isaac see that it was Jacob? // He was blind.
Did Jacob successfully trick Isaac? What did Isaac do? // Yes, he blessed him
Who came in after Jacob left? What happened? // Esau did. He and Isaac realized Jacob tricked them
How did Esau feel after Jacob stole his blessing? // So mad he wanted to kill Jacob.
What did Rebekah tell Jacob to do? // Run away from Esau to live with her brother

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - http://goo.gl/PNsFDm
Resources - http://goo.gl/lQnO5n

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