May 11, 2014

OT 12 Job

Reference: Job 1-2, 42

Story Summary: 
     Job was an honest  and righteous man. God blessed him with many good things, including 10 children, and many servants and animals.
     One day, when Satan challenged the Lord. "Job only trusts in you because you've guarded his family and given him so many good things. If you take those things away, he'll speak evil right to your face!" The Lord God agreed to let Satan test Job. Satan was allowed to take away the good things God had given Job, but he couldn't touch Job himself.
     Satan put his plan into action. Soon, messenger after messenger came to Job with terrible news. His animals had been stolen or killed. He's servants had been attacked. And his children were all dead. Still, Job didn't speak evil of God.
     But Satan wasn't through. He told God, "If Job's own body is hurt, he'll curse you to your face!" God agreed to let Satan test Job. But Satan had to allow Job to live. So Satan did what he said. Painful sores covered Job's body. Even though he was miserable, Job didn't speak evil of God.
     After passing Satan's tests, the Lord rewarded Job. God gave Job twice as much as he had before.

Big Idea and Motions: God is always Good, even when things look bad.
God - point up
Always - gesture your arms in a wide circle
Good - two thumbs up
Look - put a hand above your eyes and look around
Bad - two thumbs down

Verse / Motions: James 1:12, ESV - Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life...
Blessed - hold two thumbs up near your face and smile
Man - flex your muscles
Steadfast - stomp your foot, put your hands on your hips, and stand boldly
Trial - pound the bottom of your fist into your palm, like a judge pounding a gavel
Test - pretend to write on your palm
Receive - pretend to receive a box from someone
Crown - pretend to put a crown on your head

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What was Job like? // Honest, right, respected God, avoided evil
What blessings did God give Job? // 10 children, many animals, servants
What test did Satan want to do to Job? // Take away his stuff
What did Satan say Job would do if he lost his stuff? // Speak evil of God, right to his face
What bad things happened to Job in the first test? // Lost all his animals, servants, and children
Did Job speak evil of God after test 1? What did he do? // No, he shaved his head, tore his clothes
What was the second thing Satan wanted to do to Job? // Hurt Job’s body
What did Satan do to Job’s body? // Covered it with sores
What did Job’s wife tell Job to do after he was covered in sores? // Speak evil of God and die.
Did Job speak evil of God after test 2? // No
What did God give Job at the end of his life? // Twice as much as he had before

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