February 16, 2014

OT 07 The Tower of Babel

Reference: Genesis 11

Story Summary:
   After the flood, God told Noah and his family to have children and fill the earth. Years later, a group of people in the valley of Babylonia got an idea. They wanted to build a tower.
   They wanted their tower to reach to the heavens. “We’ll make a great name for ourselves”, they thought, “and we won’t be scattered across the earth.” The people of Babel wanted to build a tower to boast about their greatness and to disobey God’s command to fill the earth. And since everyone spoke the same language in that day, the tower began to grow quickly.
   God decided to put a stop to their tower building. He mixed up their languages so that they didn’t understand each other. When that happened, they stopped work on the tower and scattered across the earth.
   The people of Babel wanted to boast about their own greatness and disobey God’s command. But the Bible tells us to boast about the Lord, not about ourselves.

Big Idea and Motions: Boast about the Lord, not about yourself.
Boast - point to yourself with two thumbs while nodding your head and giving an “I’m cool” look
Lord - point up
Not - fold your arms and shake your head
Yourself - tap your heart

Verse / Motions: Jeremiah 9:24, ESV - ...but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord.
Let him - gesture with your palms to another person
Boast - point to yourself with two thumbs while nodding your head and giving an “I’m cool” look
This - hold up one finger
Understands and knows - tap your brain
Me - point to yourself with two thumbs (explain that “me” is God, since he’s the one who is speaking)
Lord - point up

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What did God want the people to do after the flood? // Have children and fill the earth.
What was the name of the place in today’s story? // Babel
How many languages did they speak? // One
What did the people want to build? // A tower
How high did they want to build the tower? // To the sky
Name one reason why the people built the tower. // To make a great name for themselves and brag
Name another reason why the people built the tower. // So they wouldn’t be scattered
What did God do so they would stop building the tower? // Mixed up their languages
What did the people stop doing after God mixed up their languages? // The tower
Who does God want us to boast about? // The Lord

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - http://goo.gl/AiItE7
Resources - http://goo.gl/vhvHbf

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