October 13, 2013

NT 25 The Lord's Prayer

Reference: Matthew 6:9-13

Story Summary: 
   Jesus gave his disciples a special prayer to pray. Many people call this prayer “The Lord’s Prayer.” It’s made up of seven parts: an opening and seven requests.
   Jesus taught us to begin our prayers by calling God “our Father in heaven.” This reminds us that God loves and wants to take care of us.
   Then Jesus gave us six things to ask for: that God’s name would be hallowed, or treated with special honor and respect; that God’s kingdom would come and the good news about Jesus would be believed; that God would be obeyed on earth as the angels obey him in heaven; that God would give us what our bodies need; that God would forgive our sins and help us forgive others; and that God would keep us from sinning and protect us from evil.

Verse and Motions: Matthew 6:9-13, ESV - Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Father in heaven - hug yourself, then point up
Hallowed be your name - Place your palms together, then close your eyes and bow your head
Your kingdom come -Pretend to place a crown on your head
Will be done - pretend to open a Bible (where we find God’s will)
Earth - pat the floor with your hands
Heaven- reach up high with both hands
Daily bread - Pretend to take a bite from a sandwich
Forgive us - hold one hand palm up; pretend to brush something off it with the fingertips of your other hand
Forgiven our debtors - gesture to others
Temptation - Pretend to take a cooke from a plate, then swat that hand with your other hand
But deliver us from evil - Pretend to reach down and help someone up (“deliver”), then two thumbs down

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Why is it called the Lord’s Prayer? (Because the Lord Jesus gave it to us to pray.)
What should we remember when we pray, “Our Father in heaven...”? (God is our Father and loves us.)
How many times do we ask God for things in the Lord’s prayer? (Six.)
What does “hallowed be your name” mean? (Father, help us and others treat your name with special honor.)
What does “your kingdom come” mean? (Father, help us and others believe the good news about Jesus and come into your kingdom.)
What does “your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” mean? (Father, help us obey you like the angels obey in heaven.)
What does “give us this day our daily bread” mean? (God, give us what we need for our bodies.)
What does “forgive our debts as we have also forgiven our debtors” mean? (God, forgive our sins and help those who have sinned against us.)
What does “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil” mean? (God, help us obey you and help us when we’re tempted to sin.

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - http://goo.gl/kLg0SJ
Resources - http://goo.gl/KJSEvz

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