March 17, 2013

OT 72 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

Reference: Daniel 3:1-30

Big Idea: Jesus came to save us from sin.

Verse: 1 John 4:14 - ...the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. (ESV)

Motions for the Big Idea:
Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
Came - march in place
Save - make the baseball “safe” sign
Us - point to yourself with two thumbs
Sin - two thumbs down

Motions for the Verse:
Father - touch your right thumb to your forehead with the rest of the fingers pointing up1
Sent - pretend to push someone away from you
Son - pretend to cradle a baby
Savior - make the baseball “safe!” sign
World - draw a large circle in the air with your finger
1 This is the ASL sign for “father/dad”

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week

  • Who were the three friends in today’s story? (Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego/S,M.A.)
  • What did King Nebuchadnezzar build? (A 90 ft. tall gold statue)
  • When the music played, what were the people supposed to do? (Bow down, worship the statue)
  • What was the punishment for not bowing down to the statue? (Thrown in the fiery furnace.)
  • Did Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego worship the statue? (No.)
  • What did Nebuchadnezzar do when S, M, and A refused to bow? (Heated the furnance hotter, had them thrown in.)
  • What happened to S, M, A in the furnace? (Untied, not harmed, walking around with a fourth person)
  • What did Nebuchadnezzar say about S, M, A’s God? (No one can say anything bad about their God.)
  • What is today’s big idea? (Jesus came to save us from sin.)
  • What is today’s Bible verse? (1 John 4:14 - ...the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. ESV)

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