October 21, 2012

OT 56 David Spares Saul’s Life

Reference: 1 Samuel 24 and 26

Big Idea: God loved his enemies, and so should you!

Verse: Matthew 5:44 - But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you... (ESV)

Motions for the Big Idea:
God - point up
Loved - place both hands over your heart
Enemies - hold up your fists like you’re ready to fight
We - point to yourself with both thumbs

Motions for the Verse:
I say - make your hand talk like a puppet
You - point to another person
Love - place your hands over your heart
Enemies - make a mean face and put up your fists
Pray -fold your hands in prayer
Persecute - punch your palm

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who was trying to hurt David? (King Saul.)
What did David take from Saul while Saul was in the cave? (Cut off a piece of his robe.)
Why did David sneak and cut off a piece of Saul's robe? (To show that he was close enough to hurt Saul, but he didn't want to hurt him.)
What did Jesus say we're supposed to do to our enemies? (Love and pray for them.)
What did David take from Saul while he was sleeping? (His spear.)
Why did David sneak and take Saul's spear? (To show that he could have hurt Saul, but he didn't want to hurt him.)
After David let Saul escape two times without hurting him, what did Saul do? (Sent David on his way.)
Who were you and I enemies with and why? (God, because we sinned.)
How did God love his enemies? (Sent Jesus to die for their sins.)
What is today's big idea? (God loved his enemies and so should we!)
What is today's Bible verse? (Matthew 5:44 - But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you... ESV)

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