September 23, 2012

OT 52 David Plays Music for Saul

Reference: 1 Samuel 16:14-23
Big Idea: Sing to the Lord because he is good.

Verse: Psalm 92:1 - It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to your name, O Most High (ESV)

Motions for the Big Idea
Sing - place one hand on your heart, gesture out with the other, and sing the word “sing”
Lord - point
Good - two thumbs up

Motions for the Big Idea:
Good - two thumbs up
Give thanks - cup your hands together and gesture away from you
Lord - point up
Sing praises - place one hand over your heart, gesture out with the second hand, sing the words as you say them
Name - pretend to write on your palm
O - make an O with your arms
high - reach up really high with your hands

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who was king in today’s story? // Saul
Who was going to be the next king of Israel? // David
What was bothering King Saul? // An evil spirit
What idea did King Saul’s servants have to make him feel better? // Find someone to play music
Who did they find to play music for Saul? // David
What instrument did David play? // Harp
What happened when David played the harp? // Saul felt better, the evil spirit would leave
Why did the evil spirit leave? // Because of David’s songs to God
What does the word “psalm” mean? // Song
What is today’s big idea? // Sing to the Lord because he is good.
What is today’s Bible verse? // Psalm 92:1 - It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to your name, O Most High (ESV)

Google Docs Links:
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