January 23, 2012

OT 34 Wandering in the Desert Part 2

Reference: Num. 11:4-35, 20:1-13, 21:4-9

Big Idea: Believe in Jesus to be saved.

Verse: Acts 16:31 - And they said ,“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved...”

Motions For the Big Idea:
Believe: hold your hands together and put an earnest look on your face
Jesus: make a cross with your arms
Saved: make the baseball “safe” sign with your arms

Motions For the Verse:
They said - move your hand like a puppet
Believe - fold your hands in front of you as if pleading
Lord Jesus - make a cross with your forearms
You - point to another person
Saved - make the baseball “Safe!” sign

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
  1. What did Israelites want to eat instead of manna? // Meat
  2. How did God feel about their complaining? // Angry
  3. What meat did God send to the Israelites? // Quail
  4. What was their punishment for complaining and not trusting God? // Plague
  5. What else did the Israelites complain about needing? // Water
  6. What did God tell Moses to do to find water? // Speak to a rock and God would make water come
  7. What did Moses do with the rock and what happened? // Hit it with a stick and water came out
  8. What  was Moses’ punishment for not listening to God? // Can’t go to the promised land
  9. What punishment are we supposed to get for sin? // Death, being apart from God
  10. How did God save us from that punishment? // His Son, Jesus, died for us
  11. What is today’s big idea? // Believe in Jesus to be saved.
  12. What is today’s Bible verse? // Acts 16:31 - And they said ,“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved...”

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