May 23, 2011

The Triumphal Entry

Passage: Mark 10:13-16

Big Idea: Worship Jesus the King.

Verse: Philippians 2:10 - So that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.

Review Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
1. What did Jesus send his two disciples out to find? (A donkey)
2. What did he tell them to say if someone asked what they were doing? (The Lord needs it.)
3. Who rode the donkey? (Jesus)
4. What did the people put on the road when they saw Jesus coming? (Their coats and some leaves.)
5. Why did they lay their coats on the road? (To treat Jesus like a king.)
6. What kinds of things did the people say when Jesus came by? (Blessed is the king! May there be peace!)
7. What does it mean to worship someone? (To treat them like they’re worth more than anyone else.)
8. Who does the Bible tell us to worship? (God.)
9. Why is it okay to worship Jesus? (He’s God.)
10. What is today’s big idea? (Worship Jesus the King.)
11. What is today’s Bible verse? 

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