March 16, 2009

Faith Kids: Friends

Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan. (Luke 10:25-37)

Big Idea
A Jesus follower is everybody's friend.

Bible Verse
 John 15:13 - "No one has greater love than the one who gives his life for his friends." (NIrV)

What We Did
1. We acted out the story of the Good Samaritan. Evan was our traveller. He was "beaten up" slow-mo movie style, complete with movie-action music. We then had three people pass by (Kaleb the priest, Raven the Levite, and Carter the Samaritan). Although the priest and the Levite were supposed to be good guys, they walked right on by poor Evan. But Carter the Samaritan stopped and helped him up, tied bandages on his wounds, and dragged him to a hotel to stay.
   We discussed how the Samaritan was a good friend to the traveller, even though he didn't know him at all. If we want to be a good follower of Jesus, we need to be kind and a good friend to everyone, not just those we like.
2. Our verse was about the greatest act of friendship possible: giving your life for your friend. So, as we learned the verse, we pretended to save each other's lives. We had a giant blue ball which represented an oncoming truck. We had one child pretend to stand in the street, oblivious of the oncoming danger. We then had a third kid, as the "oncoming truck" came near, say "Watch out!" and push his/her friend out of danger, who went flying out of the way and landed on our stunt mattress (for a nice, soft landing).

Materials We Used
1. Lesson Plan
2. Small Group Leader Sheet
3. Verse Activity

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