November 10, 2008

Wandering in the Desert: God Takes Care of Us

God provides water and manna for the Israelites, Exodus 15:22 - 17:7

Big Idea
God takes care of us.

Bible Verse
Philippians 4:19 - "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."

- We played a game-show-style game called "Mystery Bag." We'd tell part of the story and then stop to select one of three "mystery bags." Each bag held a possible answer for the next part of the story, but only one was correct. The kids then picked which answer they thought was correct and which ones they though were false.

- The kids earned "valuable" prizes for each round of "Mystery Bag," including:
     - Pop Rocks (for when Moses struck the rock and water came out)
     - Gummy Worms (for when the manna went bad and became covered with maggots)
     - Popcorn (the Bible describes manna as white, flaky, and sweet, so popcorn is pretty close)

-We listed ways God has taken care of us. Some of the things the kids mentioned were: food, water, air, shelter, beds, parents, friends, the Bible.

Materials We Used
1. Lesson Plan
2. Small Group Leader Sheet
3. Verse Activity
4. Mystery Bag Answer Cards
5. Answer Cards

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