September 30, 2007

Cain and Abel

What We Talked About
We covered the story of Cain and Abel, two brothers who were the third and fourth people on earth. Cain was a farmer, and looked after things they grew out of the ground. Abel was a shepherd who looked after the animals they kept for meat.

They decided to bring a gift for God. Abel selected meat from his very best animals, while Cain just grabbed some of the fruit he could find.

When God saw their gifts, He accepted Abel's gift, but rejected Cain's. This made Cain jealous and angry. In fact, he was so angry that he attacked his brother Abel.

What's the Big Deal?
1. God wants us to give him our best.
2. It's okay to feel angry, but not to lose control.

What We Did
1. Had two kids, Brianna and Nigel, stand up front and represent Cain and Abel. We gave Cain (Briannai) a garden rake to show he was a farmer; we gave Cain (Nigel) a shepherd's staff. We then hung word cards around their necks that described what each brother was like.
2. Played hot potato while trying to learn our verse.
3. With a bunch of small rocks, we tried to build a tall altar, just like they would use in the Bible to offer gifts to God.

Our Memory Verse
Ephesians 4:26 - “In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.”

At the Faith Kids games page , try out the new game, "Abel's Gift," to practice giving your best to God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! These ideas were really helping and were great and easy for the kids to help them learn!
Thank you so much!
Are there any other games that you recommend for us to try. We only have half an hour, so we need quick, but fun games to help us learn!!