March 12, 2017

OT 11 Sodom and Gomorrah

Reference: Genesis 18:16-33, 19:1-29

Story Summary:
     The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were very wicked. Because of this, God was going to punish and destroy their city. This concerned Abraham because his nephew, Lot, lived in the city of Sodom. “Will you destroy the city if 50 righteous people live there?” he asked God. God agreed that, if 50 righteous people were in the city, God would not destroy it. After asking God several times, each time with a lower number, God agreed that, if there were 10 righteous people in the city, God would not destroy it.
     When two of God's angels arrived in Sodom, the men there tried to hurt them. The angels warned Lot and his family to flee the city. Lot tried to persuade his sons-in-law to flee, but they laughed and figured they were only joking.
     The angels grabbed Lot and his family by the hand. They told him, "Run away and don't look back." After Lot and his family had left, God sent fiery sulfur raining down on the city, destroying everything. As they fled, Lot's wife looked back, against the angel's instruction. She was
turned into a pillar of salt.

Big Idea and Motions: Sin brings punishment, but God saves sinners.
Sin - two thumbs down
Punishment - smash the bottom of your fist into your palm
God - point up
Saves - do the baseball “safe” sign with your arms
Sinners - point to yourself with two thumbs

Verse / Motions: Romans 6:23, ESV - For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Wages - pretend to swipe a credit card through a card reader machine
Sin - two thumbs down
Death - cross your arms over your chest and bow your head
Free gift - pretend to hand a present to someone else
God - point up
Eternal life - trace a ∞ in the air with your finger
Christ Jesus - form a cross with your forearms

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What did God plan to do to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? Why? // Destroy them because of their great sin
Why did this make Abraham worry? // His nephew, Lot, lived in the city of Sodom
What did Abraham ask God to do? // Not destroy the city if 10 righteous, godly people lived there
What did Lot do for the angels when they came to Sodom? // Gave them a meal
What did the people of Sodom want to do to the angels? // Hurt the angels
What did Lot’s sons-in-law do when Lot told them to leave because the city was going to be destroyed? // They laughed and thought he was joking.
Who grabbed Lot and his family by the hand and led them out of the city? // The angel
What did the angel tell them to do? // Run and not look back
What did God to to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? // Sent fiery sulfur on them and destroyed everything
What happened to Lot’s wife when she stopped and looked back? // Turned into a pillar of salt

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