February 26, 2017

OT 09 Abram and Lot Separate

Reference: Genesis 13

Story Summary:
     God had made many great promises to Abram: a great land, a great name, a great blessing, and a great people. As he travelled, Abram moved around with his wife, Sarai, and his nephew, Lot. God kept one promise right away: he gave Abram a great blessing. Abram and his nephew, Lot, had tons of livestock and plenty of silver and gold.
     But then a problem came. The land became too small for all of Abram and Lot’s many animals. Their workers were arguing in the fields because there wasn't enough space for both of their groups. Abram decided to split the two groups up.
     He let Lot pick a land to go and live. Lot chose the beautiful land of the Jordan River Valley near the city of Sodom. Abram took all his things and went the other way.
     After Abram moved, God spoke of his promises again to Abram. He told Abram he’d give him all the land that he could see. And, God said, his children would be so many, they couldn’t be counted, like the dust of the earth.

Big Idea and Motions: God always keeps his promises.
God  - Point up
Always - Gesture your arms out in a wide circle
Keeps - Fold your hands together out in front of you
His promises - Hold up your right hand, with your index/middle fingers crossed

Verse / Motions: Psalm 100:5, ESV - For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.
Lord - point up
Good - two thumbs up
Steadfast love - tap your chest three times (one on each syllable)
Forever - draw a ∞ in the air with your finger
Faithfulness - hold left fist stomach-level, tap temple with right index finger, then right fist on top of left fist*
All generations - gesture your arms out in a wide circle
* This is the ASL sign for “Faithful”.

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who travelled with Abram? // His wife, Sarai, his nephew, Lot
What promise did we see God keep right away to Abram? // God blessed him with good things
What blessing did God give Abram? // Silver and gold, livestock
What was Lot blessed with? // Lots of livestock
What problem did Abram and Lot have? // Not enough land for animals, workers were arguing
What was Abram’s solution? // To split up
Lot picked the Jordan River Valley. What was it like? // Great, like the garden of Eden
When God spoke to Abram, what did he say about the land? // He’d give it all to Abram
When God spoke to Abram, what did he say about his kids? // They’ll be as many as the dust
What does the word “faithful” mean? // God always keeps his promises.

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - http://goo.gl/uc6bpq
Resources - http://goo.gl/IjUkm5

February 19, 2017

Catechism Question 61: What do we pray for in the fourth petition?

Question 64: 
What do we pray for in the fifth petition?

That God will give us the things we need for our bodies.

OT 08 The Call of Abram

Reference: Genesis 12:1-9

Story Summary:
     "The Lord had said to Abram, 'Leave your country and your people. Leave your father’s family. Go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you. I will make your name great. You will be a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you. I will put a curse on anyone who calls down a curse on you. All nations on earth will be blessed because of you.'
     So Abram left, just as the Lord had told him. Lot went with him. Abram was 75 years old when he left Haran. He took his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot. They took all of the things they had gotten in Haran. They also took the workers they had gotten there. They set out for the land of Canaan. And they arrived there." - Gen. 12:1-5
     Abram obeyed God because he had faith that God's promises were true. And God did keep all his promises to Abram. Most importantly, God kept his promise to bless all people through Abram. God sent Abram's great-great-great-great- grandson Jesus to die on the cross and rise from the dead for our sins.

Big Idea and Motions: God speaks and keeps great promises to his people.
God - point up
Speaks - make your hand talk like a puppet
Keeps - clasp your hands together
Promises - Touch your right index finger to your lips, press the palm of your right hand down onto the top of the fist of your left hand (See http://goo.gl/B9xpEJ for a demonstration).
People - hold your hands palms out and wiggle your fingers

Verse / Motions: Numbers 23:19, ESV - God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind.
God - point up
Man - point to yourself with two thumbs
Lie - hold your fingers in the shape of an “L” and place it over your mouth
Son of man - pretend to rock a baby
Change - pretend to use a steering wheel to turn a car around
Mind - tap your temple

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who was the person in today’s story? // Abram
What did God tell Abram to do? // Leave his family, go to a place God would show him.
Name one of God’s promises to Abram. //
You will be a great nation.
I will bless you.
I will make your name great.
All nations will be blessed through you / You will bless others.
I’ll give this land to your children.
Did Abram obey God and leave? // Yes
How old was Abram? // 75 years
Who went with Abram? // His wife, Sarai, and his nephew, Lot
Who is Abram’s great-great grandson, who blessed all the nations? // Jesus
Bonus question: how long ago did Abram live? // About 4000 years ago.
*Ask this question 4-5 times.

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - http://goo.gl/65nDE1
Resources - http://goo.gl/gqyRfY

February 12, 2017

OT 07 The Tower of Babel

Reference: Genesis 11

Story Summary:
   After the flood, God told Noah and his family to have children and fill the earth. Years later, a group of people in the valley of Babylonia got an idea. They wanted to build a tower.
   They wanted their tower to reach to the heavens. “We’ll make a great name for ourselves”, they thought, “and we won’t be scattered across the earth.” The people of Babel wanted to build a tower to boast about their greatness and to disobey God’s command to fill the earth. And since everyone spoke the same language in that day, the tower began to grow quickly.
   God decided to put a stop to their tower building. He mixed up their languages so that they didn’t understand each other. When that happened, they stopped work on the tower and scattered across the earth.
   The people of Babel wanted to boast about their own greatness and disobey God’s command. But the Bible tells us to boast about the Lord, not about ourselves.

Big Idea and Motions: Boast about the Lord, not about yourself.
Boast - point to yourself with two thumbs while nodding your head and giving an “I’m cool” look
Lord - point up
Not - fold your arms and shake your head
Yourself - tap your heart

Verse / Motions: Jeremiah 9:24, ESV - ...but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord.
Let him - gesture with your palms to another person
Boast - point to yourself with two thumbs while nodding your head and giving an “I’m cool” look
This - hold up one finger
Understands and knows - tap your brain
Me - point to yourself with two thumbs (explain that “me” is God, since he’s the one who is speaking)
Lord - point up

Memory Verse Video

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What did God want the people to do after the flood? // Have children and fill the earth.
What was the name of the place in today’s story? // Babel
How many languages did they speak? // One
What did the people want to build? // A tower
How high did they want to build the tower? // To the sky
Name one reason why the people built the tower. // To make a great name for themselves and brag
Name another reason why the people built the tower. // So they wouldn’t be scattered
What did God do so they would stop building the tower? // Mixed up their languages
What did the people stop doing after God mixed up their languages? // The tower
Who does God want us to boast about? // The Lord

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - http://goo.gl/AiItE7
Resources - http://goo.gl/vhvHbf

February 5, 2017

OT 06 Noah's Ark Part 2

Reference: Genesis 8-9

Story Summary:
   The flood’s waters covered the entire earth. God sent a strong wind and the waters began to recede. In an effort to find dry land, Noah sent of a raven, but it flew to and fro because it couldn’t find dry land.
   Eventually, the waters went down and the ark rested on a mountain top. Noah sent out a dove out three times, a week apart. The first time, the dove found nowhere to land. The second time, it returned with an olive branch. The third time, it did not come back.
   When Noah left the ark, God spoke with him. He gave Noah this promise: I will never destroy all life with a flood again. As a sign of his promise, God put a rainbow in the sky.

Big Idea and Motions: God will always keep his promises.
God - point up
Always - trace repeated circles in the air with your finger
Keep - press your palms together
Promises - tap your lips with your fingers

Verse and Motions: Psalm 105:8, ESV - He remembers his covenant forever, the word that he commanded, for a thousand generations...
Remembers - tap your temple
Covenant - pretend to write on your palm with a pencil
Forever - draw a ∞ in the air with your finger
Word - open your palms like a book
Commanded - wag your finger, with your other hand on your hip
Thousand - gesture your arms in a wide circle

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What made the waters of the flood go down? // God sent a great wind
Why did Noah send a raven out? // To look for dry land
What did the raven do and why? // Kept flying around because there was no dry land.
After the waters went down, where did the ark land? // On top of a mountain
What was the second animal Noah sent out? // A dove
What did the dove do the first time? What did that mean? // Flew around, no dry land
What did it do the second time? What did that mean? // Brought a branch back, some dry land
What did it do the third time? // Didn’t come back
What promise did God make to Noah? // He’d never destroy all things with a flood again
What sign did God give Noah about this promise? // The rainbow

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - http://goo.gl/HF2wxN
Resources - http://goo.gl/7hEUox