December 18, 2016

NT 49 Jesus is Coming Again

Story Summary: 
     After Jesus rose in the sky and ascended to heaven, two angels told the disciples that Jesus would come back one day in the same way he left. Before Jesus left for heaven, Jesus told his disciples that he would prepare a place for them in his Father’s house.
     The Bible tells us that no one but God the Father knows when Jesus will come back. But Jesus told his disciples to be ready for his return at any time.
     There are many mysteries about what will happen when Jesus returns, but there are some things we know for sure. When Jesus returns, everyone who has died, good or bad, will be brought back to life. Then, Jesus will divide everyone into two groups: those who believed the good news about Jesus and those who didn’t.
     Jesus will send those who didn’t believe the good news to be punished in fire forever. The devil and all his evil angels will face this same punishment, too.
     Jesus will reward everyone who believed the good news. He’ll make a new heaven and earth, where everything is perfect. God will come and live with his people. Our bodies will be made perfect, never to die. Jesus will reign as king and we’ll happily serve him forever.

Big Idea and Motions: King Jesus is coming back, so be ready.
Jesus - form a cross with your arms
Coming back - point up to heaven, then down to earth
Be ready - fold your hands and look up, as if waiting for Jesus

Verse / Motions: Matthew 24:44, ESV - Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
You - point at another person
Ready - fold your hands and look up, as if waiting for Jesus
Son of Man - form a cross with your arms (since the “Son of Man” is Jesus)
Coming - march in place
Hour - tap your wrist like you’re pointing to your watch
Do not expect - put your hands on your cheeks and look surprised

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What’s one thing Jesus is doing for us in heaven? // Preparing a place for us
What did the two angels tell the disciples after Jesus left? // He’d come back in the same way
Who knows exactly when Jesus will come back? // God the Father
How can we be ready for Jesus coming back? // Believe the good news about Jesus
When Jesus comes back, what happens to everyone who has died? // They are resurrected
What are the two groups Jesus separates everyone into? // Righteous believers and unrighteous non-believers
What happens to the people who didn’t believe? // Punished in fire forever
What happens to the people who believe? // They’ll live forever in God’s kingdom
When Jesus comes back, what will he make? // A new heaven and earth (or make heaven/earth like new)
Who will live with us in the new heaven and earth? // Jesus, God

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