December 27, 2015

OT 60 Solomon Builds the Temple

Reference: 1 Kings 5-8

Story Summary: 
     King David did not like the fact that, while he lived in a beautiful palace, God’s meeting place with the Israelites was just a tent called the Tabernacle. He wanted to build a house for God. God told him, “I’ve never needed a house nor have I asked for one.” Still, God told David the Israelites could be a house to meet with him. However, God told David that he wouldn’t build this house, the temple. Instead, his son would do it.
     After David died, his son Solomon became king. And Solomon led the people of Israel to build the temple, the house to meet with God. They collected wood and stone and, after seven years, of hard work, built the temple. They placed the special things from the Tabernacle inside the temple, including the Ark of the Covenant. Then, a cloud of God’s glory filled the temple, showing that God had come to meet with the people at Solomon’s temple.
     The last temple was destroyed around 2000 years ago. But we no longer need a temple to meet with God because Jesus died to take away our sins.

Big Idea and Motions: Because Jesus died to make us holy, we don’t need a temple!
Jesus - make a cross with your forearms
Died - cross your arms over your chest in the shape of an “X” and bow your head
Holy - two thumbs up
We don’t need - shake your head “No”, and wag your finger
Temple - hold your hands over your head like a roof

Verse / Motions: 1 Corinthians 3:16, ESV - Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? (ESV)
Do you not - wag your finger “no”
Know - tap  your brain
God’s - point up
Temple - form a roof over your head with your arms
God’s Spirit - same as above
Dwells in you - hit your chest one time for each word

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What is the Bible’s word for the “tent of meeting”? // Tabernacle.
What was the name of the special wood and gold chest in the tabernacle? // The ark of the covenant.
Who was the first person in our story who wanted to build a house/temple for God? // David.
Why did David want to build a temple? // He was in a palace; the tabernacle was just a tent
Who built the temple? // Solomon.
Who promised to meet with the Israelites in the tabernacle/temple? // God.
Why did the Israelites need a temple to meet with God? // God is holy and we are sinful.
Is there still a temple building to go to today? // No.
Why don’t we need to go to a temple or a tabernacle to meet with God today? // Jesus died to forgive our sin and make us holy.
Where is God’s temple now? // The bodies of those who believe in Jesus

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December 20, 2015

NT 05 Magi Visit Jesus

Reference: Matthew 2:1-12

Story Summary:
   The magi were wise men from the east. They studied lots of things, including the stars. One day, they saw a special star God placed in the sky. They were certain that this meant a new king for the Jews had been born.
   The magi followed this star to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews?” When evil King Herod heard about this, he asked the Bible experts where the Christ, the savior and king God had promised to send, would be born. They said, “In Bethlehem.”
     Herod told them to go and find the child so that he, too, could go visit him. However, Herod secretly began planning how to get rid of this newborn "king."
   The magi followed the star until it stopped over a house. Inside, they found a child named Jesus and his mother, Mary. There they bowed down and worshipped him. They also gave him expensive gifts for a king: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Later, God warned them in a dream  to not return to Herod, but to go back home by a different route.

Big Idea and Motions: Jesus is the Christ: our Savior and our King!
Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
Christ - pretend to anoint your own head with oil
Savior - do the baseball “safe!” sign
King - pretend to put a crown on your head

Verse / Motions: Philippians 2:10-11, ESV - ...every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord...
Knee should bow - drop to your knees, then stand up
Heaven - reach up high and jump
Earth - reach down and pat the ground
Under the earth - pretend to dig with a shovel
Tongue - grab your tongue
Jesus is Lord - point up three times, once for each word

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who were the magi? // Wise men who looked at the stars to learn about God and the future.
What did the magi think the special star in the sky meant? // A new king for the jews was born.
Who was upset when he heard the magi were looking for a new king? // King Herod
Where did the Bible experts say the Christ was going to be born? // Bethlehem
What does “Christ” mean? // The anointed one; the savior and king God promised to send
Over whose house did the star stop? // Jesus’ house.
What did the magi do at Jesus’ house? // Bow down and worship, give him gifts for a king
What gifts did the magi bring them? // Gold, frankincense, myrrh
What did God tell the magi to do in their dream? // Don’t go to Herod, go home a different way

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