July 26, 2015

NT 16 Jesus Heals a Man Who Could Not Walk

Reference: Mark 2:1-12, Luke 5:18-26

Story Summary:
     Jesus stood in a house and taught a large crowd of people about God's Word. The house was so filled with people that there wasn't even room at the door to get in.
     A group of men carried a man who could not walk. They wanted to bring him to Jesus. But they couldn't get in because of the crowd. So, they climbed onto the roof of the house, made a hole in the roof, and lowered the man down to Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the man, "Son, your sins are forgiven."
     When Jesus said this, some Bible teachers there became angry. They thought, "What's he saying? Only God can forgive sins." To prove to them that he could forgive sins, Jesus said to them, "What's easier to say: 'Your sins are forgiven?' or 'Pick up your mat and walk?'"
     Jesus spoke to the man who could not walk. "Pick up your mat and go home. Right then, the man stood up and carried his mat home.
     All the people there were amazed at what Jesus had done. They said, "We've never seen anything like this!"

Big Idea and Motions: Because Jesus is God, he can forgive our sins.
Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
God - point up
Forgive - hold one hand palm up; pretend to brush something off it with the fingertips of your other hand *
Sins - two thumbs down
* This is the ASL Sign for “forgive”. See http://goo.gl/635Tk for a demonstration.

Verse / Motions: 1 John 1:9, ESV - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins...
We - point to yourself
Confess - make your hand talk like a puppet
Sins - two thumbs down
Faithful - cross your fingers on both hands
Just - pound the bottom of your fist on your up-facing palm (like a judge’s gavel)
Forgive - hold left palm up, brush it off twice with the fingertips of your other hand

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What was Jesus doing in the house? // Teaching people God's Word
How crowded was it? // So crowded, no one could get inside
Why were so many people there? // Jesus did amazing miracles and said amazing things
What problem did the man with four friends have? // He couldn't walk
How did the four friends get their friend inside the house with Jesus? // Made a hole in the roof, lowered their friend down
What was the first thing Jesus said when he saw the man and their friends? // Son, your sins are forgiven
Why were the Bible teachers upset with Jesus? // Because only God can forgive sins
What’s easier to say: Your sins are forgiven or Pick up your mat and walk? Why? // Your sins are forgiven because it’s something you can’t see
What happened when Jesus told the man to pick up his mat and walk? //His legs were healed and he could walk
How did the people in the crowd feel when Jesus healed the man’s legs? // Amazed.

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - https://goo.gl/5zHBCY
Resources - https://goo.gl/0I8jAa

July 19, 2015

NT 15 Jesus Feeds the 5000

Reference: Mark 6:30-44, John 6:1-15

Story Summary:
     Jesus and his disciples had been so busy teaching the crowds that they hadn’t had a chance to eat. So they went by boat to a quiet place. But the crowd found out about where they were going and raced there ahead of them.
     By that time, it was very late in the day. Jesus’ disciples told him to send the crowd away to find something to eat. But Jesus said, “You give them something to eat.” The disciples replied, “It’d take eight months of pay to buy food for all these people!” Jesus sent them out to find out how much food was in the crowd. When they came back, Andrew the disciple told Jesus they had found five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus then had the crowd sit in groups of 50s and 100s.
     Jesus thanked God for the food, broke it into pieces, and gave it to the disciples. They passed the food out to the crowd, but it never ran out like it was supposed to! Jesus made the bread and fish multiply. The disciples fed over 5,000 people using just five loaves of bread and two fish. Everyone ate and was full and in the end, there were twelve baskets of food leftover.

Big Idea and Motions: Jesus’ miracles show us he’s God’s Son.
Jesus’ - form a cross with your forearms
Miracles - hold your hands above your head and wiggle them in celebration
Show - pretend to look through binoculars
God’s - point up
Son - pretend to cradle a baby

Verse and Motions: John 20:31, ESV - But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God...
Written - pretend to write on one of your palms
You - point to another person
Believe - pretend to grab a rope in front of you like it’s a rescue line
Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
Son - pretend to cradle a baby
God - point up
*This is the ASL sign for faith/trust. Follow this link to watch a video: http://goo.gl/4cHz3

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
After they sailed on the boat, who met Jesus and the disciples? // A big crowd
How many men were in the crowd? // 5,000 men, plus women and children
What did Jesus tell his disciples to do? // Give food to the crowd
How long did Philip say they’d have to work to pay for all the food? // It’d take eight months pay to buy food
How much food did Andrew say they found? // Five loaves of bread and two fish
What did Jesus do with the food before he gave it to the disciples? // Broke it and thanked God for it
What happened to the bread/fish in the disciples’ baskets as they passed it out? // It kept multiplying
How did the people feel after they ate? // They were full
How many baskets of leftovers did they collect? // 12
What does the miracle of feeding the 5000 tell us about Jesus? // He’s God

Google Docs Links
Lesson - https://goo.gl/iddzyI
Resources - https://goo.gl/H5gMHV

July 12, 2015

NT 14 Jesus Drives Out Evil Spirits

Reference: Mark 5:1-19

Story Summary:
     Jesus and the disciples sailed across the Sea of Galilee. When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came to meet him.
     The evil spirit made the man’s life miserable. He lived among the tombs, cut himself with stones, and screamed day and night. The people had chained his feet and ankles, but he broke them.
     When he saw Jesus, he ran to him. Jesus said, “Come out of this man, you evil spirit!” The man shouted, “Jesus, Son of God, promise you won’t hurt me!” Jesus asked the evil spirit his name. It said, “Legion,” which meant that there were many spirits in the man.
     The spirits begged Jesus to not send them away, but instead to send them into a herd of nearby pigs. Jesus gave them permission. They left the man and went into the pigs, who quickly rushed down a steep bank and into a lake.
     The people from town saw the man who had the evil spirit. He was dressed and thinking clearly. He
begged Jesus to let him go with him. But Jesus instead told him to go to his family and tell them what the Lord God had done for him.

Big Idea and Motions: God is strong and on our side!
God - point up
Strong - flex your muscles
On our side - point to yourself with both thumbs as you say each word

Verse / Motions: Psalm 118:6, ESV - The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?
Lord - point up
My side - point with both fingers to the spot next to you, as if God is standing by your side
Fear - put your hands on your cheeks and look scared
What can - hold out your arms and shrug your shoulders
Man - flex your muscles
Me - point to yourself with two thumbs

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What did Jesus and the disciples do at the beginning of the story? // Sail across the sea
Who met Jesus when he got off the boat? // A man with an evil spirit
How did the evil spirit make the man’s life miserable? // Lived among the tombs, screamed, broke chains, cut himself
What is the first thing Jesus said to the unclean spirit? // Come out of him!
What was the spirit's name and what does it mean? // Legion - a large group of soldiers
Why were the evil spirits afraid of Jesus? // He’s God’s Son.
What did the spirits ask Jesus for permission to do? // Leave the man and enter some pigs.
What did the spirits make the pigs do? // Run into the water
How do we know that God’s Son Jesus is on our side? // He died and rose again for us.

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - https://goo.gl/917Lbs
Resources - https://goo.gl/UvBtAZ

July 5, 2015

NT 13 Jesus Calms the Storm

Reference: Luke 8:22-25

Story Summary:
     One day, Jesus told his disciples to get in a boat and go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. As they traveled across the sea, Jesus slept in the boat.
     Suddenly, a storm arose on the the sea. The wind caused great waves that tossed the boat back in forth. They were in great danger and the disciples were worried that they were going to drown. They woke up Jesus and said, “Master! Master! We’re going to drown!”
     Jesus got up and spoke to the waves. “Peace! Be still!” he said. Immediately, the storm stopped. Even the waves were calm. “Where is your faith?” Jesus asked his disciples. When they saw what Jesus did, the disciples were afraid. “Who is this?” they said, “He commands even the wind and waves and they obey him!”

Big Idea and Motions: Jesus is the God-man: totally God and totally human.
Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
God - point up
Man - flex your muscles
God - point up
Human - pinch the skin of your arm

Verse / Motions: Luke 8:25, ESV - Who then is this, that he commands even winds and water, and they obey him?
Who then - hold out your arms and shrug your shoulders
Commands - put a hand on your hip, then wag the index finger of your other hand
Winds - cup your hands around your mouth and blow
Water - make your arm wiggle like a wave
Obey - form an “O” above your head with your arms

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What did Jesus tell his disciples to do? // Sail across the water.
What was the name of the water called? // The Sea of Galilee.
What did Jesus do as they sailed on the water? // Slept in the boat.
What happened to the Sea of Galilee as they sailed? // A wild storm came.
What was the boat about to do in the storm? // Sink from the waves/storm.
When the disciples were scared, what did they do? // Woke up Jesus.
What did Jesus say to the storm? // Quiet! Be still!
When Jesus spoke to the storm, what did it do? // It was completely calm immediately.
What did the disciples say when Jesus calmed the storm? // Who is this that the wind and waves obey him?
What did Jesus do that showed he was a human like us? // Slept and ate
What did Jesus do in the story that showed he was God? // Made the storm listen to him

Google Docs Links:
Lesson - https://goo.gl/Jd8RMj
Resources - https://goo.gl/LG81zn