August 24, 2014

OT 24B Joseph Forgives His Brothers Part 2

Reference: Genesis 42-45

Story Summary: 
     As a ruler in Egypt, Joseph decided to test his brothers to see if they had changed. First, he put their brother Simeon in prison until the brothers brought Benjamin back to him. Then, he took the money they used to buy grain and hid it in their sacks. When the brothers left for home, they found the money in their bags. They felt afraid because now it looked like they had stolen that money!
     Back at home, Jacob would not let the brothers bring Benjamin back to Egypt. But Judah promised to keep him safe and Jacob changed his mind. When Joseph saw his Benjamin, he had to leave the room and cry. He shared a feast with the brothers and sent them off again. This time, he hid his special silver cup in Benjamin’s bag of grain.
     When the cup was found in Benjamin’s bag, Joseph said he would make him a slave. But Judah offered to take Benjamin’s place, to save his brother and to keep his promise to his father. When Joseph saw this, he knew his brothers had changed. He told them who he was and hugged them all. The brothers were afraid at first because of what they'd done to Joseph. But Joseph said that God had meant it all for good.

Big Idea and Motions: Even when things look bad, God has a good plan.
Look - point to your eyes
Bad - two thumbs down
God - point up
Good - two thumbs up
Plan - pretend to write on our palm like a paper

Verse / Motions: Genesis 50:20, ESV -  As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good...
You - point to another person
Evil - use your fingers to give yourself “horns”
Me - point to yourself
God - point up
Good - two thumbs up

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Why did Joseph test his brothers? // To see if they had changed
What did Joseph do with the brothers’ money? // Hid it in their bags of grain
How did the brothers feel when they found money in their grain bags? // Scared, worried
At first, would Jacob let them take Benjamin back to Egypt? // No
What promise did Judah make to his father Jacob? // To keep Benjamin safe
What did the brothers bring to Joseph when they went back to Egypt? // Presents
When Joseph saw his brother Benjamin, what did he do? // Ran out of the room and cried
What did Joseph hide in Benjamin’s sack? // His special silver cup
What did Joseph say he was going to do to Benjamin because he stole the cup? // Make him a slave
What brother offered to take Benjamin’s place? // Judah
When Joseph told the brothers who he was, how did they feel at first? // Afraid

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August 17, 2014

OT 24A Joseph Forgives His Brothers Part 1

Reference: Genesis 41:47 - 42:24

Story Summary: 
The country of Egypt had seven good years with plentiful food, just like God said would happen in Pharaoh’s dream. Joseph collected all the extra food during this time. When seven years without food followed, Joseph sold this food back to the people so they didn’t starve.
   During the seven bad years, Jacob and his sons ran out of food. He sent 10 of the brothers to Egypt to buy food. He made Benjamin stay behind because he was afraid he would be hurt. When the brothers arrived in Egypt, they bowed down to Joseph. This is exactly what God showed Joseph would happen many years before when God gave him a special dream. Joseph recognized them, but they didn’t recognize Joseph.
   Joseph pretended to be a stranger to them. He accused them of being spies and threw one of the brothers in prison. He told them he would let them, and their other brother, go, if they brought their brother Benjamin to Egypt. Reuben, one of the brothers, said these bad things were happening because of what they had done to Joseph many years before 0When Joseph heard Reuben say this, he cried.

Big Idea and Motions: Don’t get revenge! Love your enemies instead!
Don’t - wag your finger “no”
Revenge - punch your palm with your fist
Love - put your hands over your heart
Enemies - put your fists on your hips and scowl

Verse / Motions: Matthew 5:44, ESV - But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you...
I say - make your hands talk like puppets
You - point to another person
Love - put your hands over your heart
Enemies - put your fists on your hips and scowl
Pray - fold your hands in prayer
Persecute - punch your palm with your fist

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What did Joseph do during the seven good years? // Store up the extra food
How did the people get food during the seven bad years in Egypt? // They bought it from Joseph
Why did Jacob send 10 sons to Egypt? // To buy food during the seven bad years
Which brother stayed back with Jacob? Why? // Benjamin, so he wouldn’t get hurt.
When the brothers saw Joseph, what did they do? // Bowed.
Did the brothers recognize Joseph? Did Joseph recognize them? // Only Joseph recognized them.
What did Joseph say the brothers were? // Spies.
What did he want them to do to prove they weren’t spies? // Bring Benjamin back.
What did Joseph do to Simeon to make sure they came back? // Put him in prison
What did Joseph do when Reuben said he was sorry for hurting Joseph? // Cried.

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August 10, 2014

OT 23 Pharaoh's Dream

Reference: Genesis 41:1-40

Story Summary: 
God gave Pharaoh two special dreams. In the first, seven fat cows ate grass near the river. Then, seven skinny cows came and ate the seven fat cows. In his second, Pharaoh saw seven healthy heads of grain. But seven skinny heads of grain came and swallowed up the seven healthy ones.
   Pharaoh called his wise men and asked them what his dreams meant, but they couldn’t understand them. However, Pharaoh’s wine taster remembered that Joseph had previously told him what his dream meant, back when he was in prison. So Pharaoh had Joseph brought to him and told him his dreams. With God’s help, Joseph explained what they meant.
   The seven fat cows and seven healthy heads of grain meant seven good years of plenty of food for Egypt. The seven skinny cows and heads of grain that ate the others meant seven years where no food would grow. Joseph told Pharaoh to appoint someone to collect extra food during the seven good years and eat it during the seven bad years. Pharaoh was so impressed with Joseph's wisdom and understanding that he picked Joseph to be second-in-charge of all of Egypt.

Big Idea and Motions: God knows everything about the future.
God - point up
Knows - tap your brain
Everything - gesture your arms in a wide circle
Future - hold out your hands, wiggle your fingers and speak in a spooky voice

Verse / Motions: Isaiah 46:9-10, ESV - I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning...
I am - point to yourself with two thumbs
God - point up
None - wave your arms, palms down, parallel to the ground
Me - point to yourself with two thumbs
Declaring - make your hand talk like a puppet
End - point far to your right with two index fingers
Beginning -  point to your far left with two index fingers

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
How many dreams did Pharaoh have? // Two.
Why did these dreams upset Pharaoh? // He didn’t understand what they meant
What happened in Pharaoh’s first dream? // Seven skinny cows ate seven fat cows
What happened in Pharaoh’s second dream? // Seven skinny heads of grain ate seven fat heads of grain
Why did Pharaoh call for his wise men and magicians? // To tell him what his dream meant
Who told Pharaoh that Joseph had told what dreams meant? // Pharaoh’s wine taster
What did Joseph say the dreams meant? // There’d be 7 good years, then 7 bad years with no food
Why did Joseph know what the dreams meant? // God helped him understand the dreams
What did Joseph say Pharaoh should do? // Put someone in charge of saving food during the 7 good years
Who did Pharaoh pick to be in charge of collecting food? // Joseph

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August 3, 2014

OT 22 Joseph in Prison

Reference: Genesis 40

Story Summary: 
Pharaoh became angry with his baker and wine taster. He threw them into the prison where Joseph was. While there, God gave them each a special dream. They were both sad because they didn't understand what their dreams meant.
   Joseph told them that only God knows what dreams mean. He asked them to share their dreams with them. God would help him understand what their dreams meant. The wine taster shared his dream, where he saw three bunches of grapes, squeezed them into Pharaoh's cup, and served the cup to Pharaoh. Joseph explained that, in three days, Pharaoh would give the wine taster his job again. Joseph asked the wine taster for a favor. He wanted him to tell Pharaoh that Joseph was in prison even though he'd done nothing wrong.
   The baker shared his dream to Joseph. He'd dreamt there were three baskets on his head, and birds ate food from the baskets. Joseph said this dream meant that, in three days, Pharaoh would punish the baker.
In three days, both dreams came true, like Joseph said they would. But the wine taster forgot his promise to talk to Pharaoh about Joseph.

Big Idea and Motions: Even when things look bad, God still has a good plan.
Even when - shrug your shoulders and hold out your hands
Bad - two thumbs down
God - point up
Good - two thumbs up
Plan - pretend to write on your palm

Verse / Motions: Romans 8:28a, ESV - And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good...
Know - tap your brain
Those - point to other people with both index fingers
Love - hand over your heart
God - point up
All things - point up
Work together - bump one of your fists on top of the other
Good - two thumbs up

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who ended up in prison with Joseph? // Pharaoh’s wine taster and baker
What did the wine taster and baker have in prison? // Special dreams
Why were the wine taster and baker sad? // They couldn’t understand their dreams
Who is the only person who knows what dreams mean? // God
What did the wine taster dream? // He picked from three bunches of grapes and made wine for Pharaoh
What did Joseph say the dream meant? // In three days, the wine taster would get his job back
What did the baker dream? // Three baskets of food on his head, the birds ate from the basket
What did that dream mean? // In three days, Pharaoh would punish the baker
Did these dreams come true like Joseph said? // Yes
What favor did Joseph want from the wine taster? // To tell Pharaoh that he’s in prison, but did nothing wrong
Did the wine taster remember his promise to Joseph? // No

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