November 25, 2012
OT 61 Israel is Split in Two
Reference: 1 Kings 11-12
Big Idea: Jesus died to take the curse of our sin.
Verse: Galatians 3:13a - Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us... (ESV)
Motions for the Big Idea:
Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
Died - cross your arms over your chest and bow your head
Take - reach out and pretend to grab something with your hand
Curse - put both hands on your cheeks and look scared
Sin - two thumbs down
Motions for the Verse:
Christ - form a cross with your forearms
Redeemed - cross your fingers on both hands, then cross and uncross your forearms*
Curse - place both hands on your cheeks and look worried
Law - pretend to open a Bible (since God’s Law is in the Bible)
For us - point to yourself with two thumbs
*This is the ASL Sign for “redeem”; describe the motion to them as being “set free”
Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What did God promise to those who obeyed his good Law? (Blessings.)
What did God promise to those who sinned, or disobeyed, his good Law? (Curses.)
What did Solomon do to disobey God’s Law? (Obeyed other pretend Gods.)
What was God’s curse, or punishment, for Solomon’s sin? (The tribes of Israel would be split up.)
What did the prophet Ahijah tear into pieces to show how God would tear up the country of Israel? (A shirt.)
Who was Solomon’s son, who was king after him? (Rehoboam.)
What did the people ask Rehoboam? (Make our work easier.)
The old people told Rehoboam to make the work easier; the young people told Rehoboam to make the word harder. What did Rehoboam decide to do? (Make them work harder, promise to use whips.)
Ten tribes left Israel and picked another king. What was that king’s name? (Jeroboam.)
What is today’s big idea? (Jesus died to take the curse of our sin.)
What is today’s Bible verse? (Galatians 3:13a - Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us... ESV)
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November 18, 2012
OT 60 Solomon Builds a Temple
Reference: 1 Kings 5-8
Big Idea: Because Jesus died to make us holy, we don’t need a temple.
Verse: 1 Corinthians 3:16 - Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? (ESV)
Motions for the Big Idea:
Jesus - make a cross with your forearms
Died - cross your arms over your chest in the shape of an “X” and bow your head
Make - pretend to hammer a nail
Holy - left hand palm up, hold right hand flat and slide down the left hand from palm to fingertips*
We don’t need - shake your head “No”, and wag your finger
Temple - hold your hands over your head like a roof
* This is the ASL Sign for “Holy”
Motions for the Verse:
Do you not - wag your finger “no”
Know - tap your brain
You - point to someone else
God’s - point up
Temple - form a roof over your head with your arms
God’s Spirit - same as above
Dwells in you - hit your chest one time for each word
Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
What is the Bible’s word for the “tent of meeting”? (Tabernacle.)
What was the name of the special wood and gold chest in the tabernacle? (The ark of the covenant.)
Who was the first person in our story who wanted to build a house/temple for God? (David.)
Who built the temple? (Solomon.)
Who promised to meet with the Israelites in the tabernacle/temple? (God.)
Why did the Israelites need a temple to meet with God? (God is holy and we are sinful.)
Is there still a temple building to go to today? (No.)
Why don’t we need to go to a temple or a tabernacle to meet with God today? (Jesus died to forgive our sin and make us holy.)
What is today’s big idea? (Because Jesus died to make us holy, we don’t need a temple!)
What is today’s Bible verse? (1 Corinthians 3:16 - Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? ESV)
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November 11, 2012
OT 59 God Gives Solomon Wisdom
Reference: 1 Kings 3
Big Idea: Wisdom is knowing what God says is right and wrong.
Verse: Proverbs 2:6 - For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding... (ESV)
Motions for the Big Idea:
Wisdom - form the letter “W” with your index fingers and thumbs (touch thumbs together)
Knowing - tap your temple
God - point up
Says - make your hand talk like a puppet
Right - two thumb’s up, above your head
Wrong - two thumb’s down, at waist level
Motions for the Verse:
Lord - point up
Gives - cup your hands together and gesture away from you
Wisdom - form the letter “W” with your index fingers and thumbs (touch thumbs together)
Mouth - cup your hands around your mouth
Knowledge - knock on the right side of your head
Understanding - knock on the left side of your head
Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
Who became king after David died? (Solomon)
Who was Solomon’s dad? (David.)
Who appeared to Solomon in a dream? (God.)
What did God say to Solomon? (Ask me for anything.)
What did Solomon ask for? (A wise heart.)
Besides a wise heart, name another thing God gave/did for Solomon? (Riches, Long Life, Great King)*
What is wisdom? (Knowing what God says is right and wrong.)
Where can we find what God says is right and wrong? (The Bible.)
What is today’s big idea? (Wisdom is knowing what God says is right and wrong.)
What is today’s Bible verse? (Proverbs 2:6 - For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding... ESV)
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November 4, 2012
OT 58 David and Bathsheba
Reference: 2 Samuel 11-12
Big Idea: God took away our sin and gave it to Jesus.
Verse: Psalm 51:3-4 - For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned... (ESV)
Motions for the Big Idea:
God - point up
Took - pretend to reach out and snatch something away
Sin - two thumbs down
Gave - cup your hands and gesture away from you
Jesus - form a cross with your forearms
Motions for the Verse:
Know - tap your temple
Transgressions - two thumbs down
Sin - two thumbs down
Before me - hold your arms out straight in front of you, palms facing away
You - point up
Only - make an “O” with your hands above your head
Sinned - two thumbs down
Questions to Ask Throughout the Week
- What was the name of the beautiful woman King David saw? (Bathsheba.)
- What was the name of Bathsheba’s husband? (Uriah.)
- Why was it wrong for David to make Bathsheba his wife? (Both he and she were already married.)
- What did David do to Uriah? (Left him alone in a battle to die.)
- Name one of the 10 Commandments that David broke. (Adultery, murder.)
- Name the other of the 10 Commandments that David broke. (See previous.)
- Who did God send to David to tell him that he sinned? (The prophet Nathan.)
- God took David’s sin away. Who did he give it to? (Jesus.)
- What is today’s big idea? (God took away our sin and gave it to Jesus.)
- What is today’s Bible verse? (Psalm 51:3-4 - For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned...
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