June 10, 2012

EX 04 What is Marriage?

Reference: Gen. 2, Matt. 19:1-9, Eph. 5:22-31

Big Idea: Marriage is when one man and one woman promise to love each other until they die.

Verse: Ephesians 5:25 - Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her... (ESV)

Motions for the Big Idea:
Marriage - clasp your hands together in front of you*
One - hold up one finger
Man - pretend to stroke your beard
One - hold up one finger
Woman - pretend to toss back long hair with one hand
Promise - place your palms together in front of you and bow slightly
Love - hold your hands over your heart
Die - cross your forearms over your chest
*This is the ASL sign for “marriage.” You can watch a video demonstration here.

Motions for the Verse:
Husbands - strike a manly pose, with your fists on your hips
Love - hold your hands over your heart
Wives - use your fingers to make the letter “W”
Christ - form a cross with your forearms
Loved - hold your hands over your heart
Church - intertwine your fingers on the palm side, point them upward and wiggle them for “people”
Gave - cup your hands together and gesture away from you
Up - point up

Questions to Ask Throughout the Week

  1. How did God create Adam? // Formed a man from dust and breathed life into him
  2. How did God create Eve? // From one of Adam's ribs
  3. Why did God create Eve? // To be a helper for Adam, so he wouldn't be alone
  4. The Bible says that when a husband and wife come together, they become...? // One.
  5. What is the husband's job in marriage? // Lead and love his wife.
  6. What is the wife's job in marriage? // To follow and help her husband.
  7. What is marriage supposed to remind us of? // How Jesus loved the church and died for her
  8. Why did Jesus die for the church? // Wash away their sins, save them from sin
  9. What is marriage? // When one man and one woman promise to love each other until they die
  10. How do we love other people? // Love them like we love ourselves
  11. How do we love God? // Doing what he says
  12. How did God show he loves us? // Sent Jesus to die for our sins
  13. What is today's Bible verse? // Ephesians 5:25 - Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her... (ESV)

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