May 19, 2009

Faith Kids: Magi Visit Jesus

Magi visit Jesus. (Matthew 2:1-2)

Big Idea
Jesus is King of the Universe

Bible Verse
Matthew 28:18 - "Then Jesus came to them. He said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. " (NIrV)

What We Did
1. We talked about the stars since the magi were people who looked to the stars for wisdom. We talked about how scientists estimate that there are around 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the universe. We showed the kids different constellations and had the children guess what kind of animal or person they were supposed to represent.

2. We told the story of the magi visiting and worshiping Jesus by packing a bag as if we were going on a trip. Each item in the bag told us a little bit about the magi and what they did. We talked about how the magi gave Jesus gifts that were more for a king than a little kid because that's what they thought he was. We finally talked about how, though the magi were impressed by the stars and believed in them, Jesus is King over everything: Israel, America, England, planet Earth, and all of those 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars.

3. As we learned our verse, we talked about that, since Jesus is King of the universe, he's in charge of everything. He has authority over us. It's like he holds the keys to the universe. As we learned the verse, each kid picked a key from a big bowl of keys. Only one key opened the locked door in the Faith Kids room, and that one was selected by Libby!

4. To make sure the kids didn't forget the big idea, with played a game with a laser pointer as we worked on memorizing "Jesus is King of the Universe." We darkened the room and had two kids hide glass pitchers of water while another kid left the room. When he/she returned, we gave him/her a laser pointer to move slowly around the room until it hit one of the glass pitchers, which would really light up in the dark room. We then asked the same questions after each round: Who is the person with the laser pointer? The magi. What do the pitchers of water represent? The stars. Who is the king of the universe? Jesus.

Materials We Used
1. Lesson Plan
2. Small Group Leader Sheet
3. Verse Activity
4. Activity: Laser Stars
5. Resource: Super Mind Map

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